Exploring a new trail

Event Date

Jul 14, 2018

I'm not sure if Tantrum gets credit for posting or not. He was there at the start, ran about a tenth of a mile and then headed back. He claimed injury, but he may have heard the route and decided against it. Speaking of the route… we decided to take a less conventional route, made possible by Professor's local knowledge of the Stephens Preserve. Speaking of the Professor, he was running through the woods with stick, waving it over his head to clear a path like his ancestors. Pretty impressive. And the rest of us got the benefit of not crashing through any spidey webs. 

We took a route to the end of Cashion's Rd and then cut through the preserve to Stephens Rd, where we did some core work then ran back to the start. We covered almost 5 miles with some nice uphill on the gravel trail in the preserve. Frogger said he thought he had receovered from the Bear until we hit that portion. Nice job guys and thanks for the company