Exploring The Gloom

Event Date

Jan 16, 2019

There were 10 pax that punched the fartsack in the face this morning to post at The Maddest of Scientists (Pax not mentioned above: Heisman) Admission of guilt: YHC had a recorder malfunction and cannot rely on his own memory at this age.  That being said, the pax list does not include everyone and may or may not include some names that were or were not there.

YHC posted solo to the standard (i.e. the only pax to get over the frigid temperatures 30 minutes early).  It ended up being to the benefit of the pax because I scoped out a new area to play in and audibled the entire workout.


SSH x15ic, IST x15ic, Up the stairs to the top of the parking deck, Cotton Pickers x15ic, Joggy Jog over to the other staircase, Windmill x15ic, Back down to the dungeon, Over and Back on the rail x5, finish on the grass



Mosey to the intersection for some Indian Runs (pax were reminded of the proper form: shuffle in line, don't start your sprint until the sprinting pax reaches the front of the line).  When the last pax sprinted, we stopped for an exercise.

Merkins x10ic

Squats x15ic

Finish at the dimly lit Greenway Playground.  This area may need a name soon (Gloomground, Playgloom, Pit of Pain, Toybox, …)

Pair up (accountability partner). Each pair pick an exercise to start and rotate through all of them clockwise:

Step Ups x20

Dips x20

Pull Ups x10

Body Extensions (may need another name) on the diaper swings x10

Body Curls (on the normal swings) x20



Mosey to the hill for some 11s:  WW2 Sit Ups at the bottom, Quadraphilia up, Merkins at the top

We were running low on time and we were still a half-mile from the launch, so we cut it short (sorry guys)

On the way back, we stopped for some Rocky Balboas (curb kickers) x15ic, and some Cacka-Lacka-Choo-Choo



We finally made it back to Mary's Pad, much to the joy of the pax.

Flutter Kicks x15ic

LBC x16ic

Freddy Mercury x15ic



-MQ Tip: Jaws gave me a great idea at Titan on Monday that if you do all exercises to the same repetition (i.e. 15), you don't have to remember as much for the BB.

-Firestone, thanks for being willing to lead the pax as I brought in the 6.  Sorry I wasn't more specific on the final destination. And, you're right. An official F3 workout needs SSH and flutter kicks.

-Great to see old faces and newer faces that keep showing up, I hope I didn't disappoint.  I hope this was the hardest thing you have to do all day.