Exploring the west side

Event Date

Feb 08, 2020


There were multiple running workouts to choose from Saturday. However, we decided to make our own run. 

We met @ RBP at 6:30 and set off to explore Stephen's Grove. I've not run there before and figured there would be a loop. I was wrong. We ran cul de sucks instead. One of the cul de sucks we ran happened to be where Elmer's lives. He was warming his car before heading to the Estate. We almost helped him move it down the street. But, decided against it this time. We made it back to RBP with 4.5 miles down. Grabbed some water and set off past the Estate Pax on the track. We ran to the rock, and into Rural Hil. From there, we decided to run to the end of Neck road at Allison's Ferry. Not much there but a few homes with No Trespassing signs so no way to get to the river here. We ran back to Rural Hill, and took the right to Cowan's Ford. We ran up and down a great dirt road, saw a bunch of deer, and had the foothills on the right, and river on the left. The Cowans Ford turn around was mostly empty except for one birdwatcher. Unfortunately, for them, they saw more Frogger than birds… at this point we were 10.5 miles in and time to head back. We ended with the strong push up Jim Kidd and Beatties Ford to RBP, where a lap around the soccer fields got us to 15 miles.

Great running with you guys today and look forward to the next time.