Extended Warm-up

12 Men posted into a muggy, hot gloom at SVU this morning.   Everyone got better; some more reluctantly than others.  But in the end, we were all better.

Warm up:

25’s: 20 (IC) SSH partnered with 5 (IC) Merkins  Repeat-o x10

15’s:  10 (IC) Squats partnered with 5 Pull-ups  Repeat-o x10

32# Block Counts – 20

  1. Holds

  2. Curls

  3. Presses

  4. Skull Crushers

  5. Trifecta’s

Run small hill – backwards

Downhill Sprints – stride length improvement  repeat-o x4

Push / Pull runs with partner

Mossey back to launch pad


    10 + 10 + 10 (LBC – Freddy Mercury – LBC)

    2-count scissors

American Hammers – 20 (IC)

Reflection: Father’s Day.

    Being a “Dad” is so much more than having children.  The imagine of a man as reflected in the eyes of son or daughter is paramount import.  Your kids are making their decisions based on what they learn from watching you.  But also, to a large degree, so are the neighbor’s kids, or the kids at the pool, or at church, or the ball field, or…….. Well, you get the idea.  What lessons are you living each day for others to see?  Take time this weekend to thank your Dad.  You learned from him, and he contributed to who you are.  And secondly, take time this weekend to reflect on who you are as a father; not just to your own kids, but also the neighborhood kids.  What example are you setting?  We are seeing more 2.0’s post than ever before, and it’s wonderful.  As a dad, I love LED posting to workouts.  And I love seeing the support of all PAX encouraging him along.  And I want to thank each one of you for the example you set for him to see.

Wishing each of you the Happiest of Weekends this Father’s Day.

Mole Skin:

  • The quick stats: 400 SSH, 200 Squats, 100 Merkins, 50 Pull-ups.

  • Original workout involved Jump Squats, but Q made a game day decision to go with regular squats.  Not sure the calves and achilles could have taken it?

  • Good to see Air Ball post on a Thursday.  Great hussle too.

  • Theuss wins best SSH form through all 10 sets.

  • Monkey bars are stronger than you think.

  • PAX block counting will not return – tried it, didn’t work, move on.

  • By the end, launch pad looked like a war zone with bodies lying everywhere #sweatangels.

  • Way too much grumbling by PAX.  Q blames heat/humidity and not the workout.

  • Couldn’t hear some of the mumble over PAX complaining, so sound off below on anything you heard.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb