Extended Warmup

11 men, including Trickle & Puddle, showed up for a cold spring morning.  With it being so warm the past 3 weeks, we needed a few more minutes of warming up today.


  • SSH X 20IC
  • Allen Iversons x 20IC
  • Tony Hawks x 10IC
  • Windmills x 10IC

Extended Warmup:

Head to top of big hill for Driveway Suicides.  Three driveways along the right hand side of the road run to each one and perform 3 exercises OYO.

  • 5 boxcutters
  • 10 lunges
  • 15 merkins

Then quadraphila back up to the top.

We also did a stop at the bottom of the hill to get the full effect of the big hill!

Warmup complete!


Circle of Pain – Plank it up

3 rounds of Plank Jacks and Mtn Climbers x 15IC with no rest between sets.

Head to the Playground and split into 4 groups

  1. Hanging Knee ups – Counter – 15 OYO
  2. Block Twist with extensions to the side
  3. LBC
  4. Dips


Next Round

  1. Hanging Austrailian Rows – Counter – 15 – OYO
  2. Merkins
  3. Hanging Rows on the parallel bars
  4. merkins


  • Low Flutter x 25IC
  • Fire Hydrant x 10IC each leg
  • X & O
  • Low Dolly X 20IC
  • American Hammer

Reflection: Luke 6:31 – "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you"


  • Found out the magic # for when complaints start to roll in…its 16 IC if you're wondering
  • On more than one occasion Lightbulb was curious if current exercise was considered part of Mary.
  • We have new shooters to compliment the normal trumpets…
  • Dandelion thought I was pretty hypocritical with the reflection.  Apparently I wasn't very nice today 🙂 #Qdidhisjob!
  • Blamed it on Metro being sick – Get well soon bro!
  • Circle of Pain was not liked – I see it becoming a staple of a Vortex workout!
  • Pleasure to lead this morning fellas!