Extras turn out to remake a Classic at Hollywood

Rudy & Pavarotti were present as well. 2 ran the standard.


Well, if you showed, then you know. If you didn't, then what were you doing? The fartsack doesn't translate to the big screen or pool season well.

Act 1:

Disclaimer and then… 1-SSH (for Sporano), Mericans (for Goat), Windmill, IST, Slow Squat, People's Chair, Carolina Dry Docks and a mosey to the rock pile.

Rock exercises – Overhead press, skull crushers, curls and "Bent over/upright rows" (ask Toxic for a description). Blackbeard made a request early to rotate and we did just that. A numerical sequence unfolded that could only be written into a fairy tale script. You are welcome America!

Rocks back and mosey to the Greenway Hill. LBCs (50 OYO) at the top, run to the bottom for Burpees until all PAX arrive. Sprint to the top. Squats (50 OYO) at the top, run to the bottom for Burpees until all PAX arrive. Sprint back to the top.


Mobility moment brought to you by Gnarly Goat. Down Dog, Pigeon and Mericans! 

Act 2:

Run back down the hill. 10 Burpees at the bottom. Mosey back up to the top and slow mosey back to the launch area

Act 3:

Low Flutter, Touch them Heels, Rosalita, Dying Cockroach, J-Lo (ugh), Elbow planks, Extended Planks, Planks w/ arms up, more elbow planks. 

Roll the Credits:

COT and an announcement of the most bigly, huge and successful Christmas Party in F3LKN. Seriously, they will write history books about this one.

Happy to report 0 butt-hurt forms were filled out today. PAX either destroyed them or other regions used them all…


Blackbeard, always the antagonist, was upstaged today by Tantrum attending a boot camp. However, both beat Jolly today. 2020 keeps getting weirder.

Cousin Eddie gave a resounding performance. That said, he was drenched at the end, so the Director nailed it! Ah, Thank You!

Amen has one bag of tricks and there is no mystery regarding his favorite entertainer.

Tagless & Waffle House thought they were auditioning for a remake of Stuck-On-You by wearing the same outfit. They pulled it off!

Few people knew Andre Agassi was part of F3. He was there and even ran the standard.

Not sure I have ever heard Jenny or Deep Dish get so into character. Not sure this was supposed to be a silent film though. Probably goes without saying, Little Professor is a better actor than his Pops…

Someone dropped a bomb early and Toxic felt cancelled. It happens bro. Keep your head up.

Every movie has to have a Shakespearean element. Macbeth played that part today!

Tuffy earns his pay at every show. Personally, I think he is best when he gets to wear the little backpack. MRFA

Hey Stapler, there is only one Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, but with the right facial hair you might get a role playing Big Poppa Pump down the road. (what kind of cycle are you using? AFAF & FP)

Rudy wanted more playing time, but crushed the screen time he had.

Pavarotti, the Director feels terrible about the limited amount of music. Note taken and next time will be different.

Gnarly Goat, you have been chosen for the next conspiracy theory movie. It will be a blockbuster.

Soprano… nope. Your audition Monday was the end of the road. Please pay your SAG dues and be on your way.

M-16, you are a real one! Kid Rock can suck it. 
