Extreme Couponing

11.5 of MIL’s finest braved a muggy morning to endure a beat-down and exploration of extreme couponing!

Warm o Rama

  • SSH
  • Toy Soldier
  • Cotton pickin’ cherry pickers
  • IST

The Thang

Run to the woods; fumble around in darkness; retrieve coupons (bricks)

Round 1

  • Newton’s Cradle – just like your boss's favorite desk decoration, get in plank position (with bricks) and extend your left arm perpendicular to your body until it is parallel to the ground. Return and repeat with the right arm to complete the four count cadence.
  • Colt45 – 45 curls; 15 low curl; 15 high curl; 15 full curl
  • We’re not Worthy! Party on Wayne – front raise
  • Overhead press
  • Quarter Pounder with Cheese: Run 25 yards then mercans, run backwards to goal for giddyap squats, run to Mountain Climbers, backwards to goal and SSH with coupons
  • Cusak – the “Say Anything” run with coupons as the boom box

Round 2 – Repeato el uno

Round 3 – Repeato el dos-o


Low flutter, mason twist, bicycle


  • Much mumblechatter from Pax about risk of copperheads and poison oak during coupon retrieval.  Q will be seizing man-cards from those who complained. You know who you are.
  • Pax included our youngest FNG ever – 7 year old Bryce. Oktoberfest wonders aloud if he is there for the midget toss. Q is amazed at Natty Lite’s demonstration of profanity control. Did not think he was capable of such self-restraint.
  • SSH with coupons – and no smashed windows or flying coupons. Success!
  • The coupons are the cheese
  • FNG1 demonstrates high bicycle during Mary. New exercise – the Pennyfarthing?
  • Knocked up will be out for a month or so – extended daddy-daughter time over the summer!
  • Double Double out next two weeks for vacation; is it possible to reverse a year of F3 progress in two weeks? Guess we’ll see.
  • Be thinking of our SC F3 brother who was hit by a car during run. Prayers for recovery.
  • FNG2 Bryce – 7 years old and gave all of us a run for it. Oh to have that kind of energy again. What a great kid!

Great work men!