F3 – Backblast – Mighty Jungle Deck of Pain (9/7/19)

*Apologies for the late post. FNG-1 is Torch; couldn’t find it in Pax listing

Eleven brave gamblers came out to the Mighty Jungle to see what the substitute Q had in store for the only bootcamp workout on this Saturday. After briefly considering just watching a movie inside the church, we instead decided to get after it.


Dynamic stretching platter (with accompanying comments about doing a yoga-only workout), SSH, IST, TS, Carrot pickers

The Thang:

Deck of Pain: 52 cards (with Jokers wild)

Value of the card = the number to do of the exercise

♦ Diamonds: Mericans, Face cards = Diamond Mericans

♠ Spades: Squats, Face cards = Jump Squats

♣ Clubs: LBC, Face cards = Freddie Mercury

♥ Hearts: Burpees  [w/ optional alternative of plank jacks … this will become important later]

Any Ace: One Lap around the grounds, with varying routes over the different rounds

Jokers Wild: While the deck is a fan-favorite in Mt. Island Lake (MILF3), it is usually done sans jokers. Considering we had more time this day, and yet another Joker movie is coming out, decided to incorporate the jokers into our Deck of Pain. Joker 1: wall patty-cake (head facing wall in plank position, up to a four-count patty cake with hands to the wall, alternating starting hand after each rep); Joker 2: Austrian Mt. Climbers on the wall (aka, inverted Mt. Climbers); Joker 3: WWIIs (single count, 20x); and Joker 4: Balls to the Wall!


  • After completing the deck, circled up for a few rounds of Mary to finish out the time. Baller called something I don’t know the name of, but suffice it to say the Pax were very enthusiastic  ha!


  • Good to see a variety of Pax today, including those who normally don’t post at Mighty Jungle
  • A lot of mumblechatter grumbling about the Deck. Not sure why; seemed like a delightful way to spend the morning
  • The burpees got to be killer, especially as the luck of the draw resulted in several high-value Hearts showing up late in the deck
  • Pax finally started taking Q up on his earlier offer of the Plank Jack alternative to the Burpee for the last few cards. Props to Baller though, who despite excessive grumbling about said burpees, was one of the few (or only?) to not resort to plank jacks at the end. Killed it!
  • Maybe next time we’ll have to use a Canasta deck
  • Thanks for taking us out, Toxic
  • Thanks to Blackbeard for the invite to step up and Q. Always an honor, men!