F3 – Backblast – Quarry Hood VQ

Event Date

Sep 08, 2018

Three brave souls ventured out for another humid morning, curious to see what the VQ would offer. 


Dynamic stretching platter: including side-to-side stretching, V-stretches, arm circles, pencil stretch, oblique stretches, back bend (feel those vertebrae crunch) – the mumblechatter started early thanks to Natty. Disclaimer delivered during stretching.

High knees, butt-kickers, karaoke (x2). Introduced the Pax to some Tae kwon do-inspired stretch kicks: inside axe kicks, outside axe kicks, push kicks up and down the parking lot. Further mumblechatter ensued. Also introduced the "Korean pushups" to Pax for future reference (show to know).

The Thang

Mosey from parking lot to the back playground. Stops on the way to do Korean pushups (10 IC), LBCs (20 IC), and used the ravine railing for one-legged squats (20 IC – 10/leg). Once at the playground performed the following:

Set 1:

Decline 'Mericans 10 IC

Dips 10 IC

Horse-stance squats 10 IC (show to know)

Pullups 10 OYO

Leg/knee lifts 10 OYO

Happy ‘Mericans (pushup w/ clap) 5 single-count IC

Step-ups to Daniel-san on circular stools 10 each leg OYO

Pax to call Mary exercise: El Tigre – Crunchy Frog (10 IC)

Set 2:

Decline ‘Mericans 10 IC

Dips 10 IC

Horse-stance squats 10 IC

Pullups 10 OYO

Leg/knee lifts 10 OYO

Sphinx pushups 5 IC (show to know)

Step-ups to Daniel-san on circular stools 10 each leg OYO

Pax to call Mary exercise: Grip – Boxcutters (15 IC)

Mosey back toward parking lot. Stops on the way to do Incline ‘Mericans on ravine railing (10 IC), and lunges 20 OYO (10/leg). Before starting the lunges, Grip suggested we put the workout on hold until the humidity broke – no such luck! Once back at the parking lot, broke out some various target pads for partner exercises:

10 roundhouse kicks per leg to body shield pad

10 knee strikes to Muay Thai pads while holding partner in clinch position

20ish punches in various combinations to target mitts (jab-cross, jab-jab-cross, uppercuts, etc.)

Circled-up for stretching to close it out.


  • Q was perhaps a little ambitious in trying to do full-on dips at the playground the first set. Switched to more reasonable ledge dips.
  • Good mumblechatter today as Pax teaching VQ to ignore distractions
  • Appreciate the opportunity to lead and Pax’s willingness to try some different exercises and approaches for my VQ. I’ll never forget my first time.
  • Appreciate Pax’s prayers for my friend Andy. His surgery went better than expected and he’s doing well, still a long, painful road to recovery.
  • Great work today men; an honor to be part of such a great group.