F3 Biathalon…or Run n’ Gun

Event Date

Jun 01, 2019


Can someone get Salty into the system?In honor of the exceptional work done by a Tulsa police officer of May 10, 2019 in an active shooter situation (video here https://youtu.be/UllFP_CaAt4), we jacked up our heart rates and did some shooting …Warm up15 IC Wind Mills10 IC Imperial Squat Walkers15 IC Tony Hawks10 IC Merkins15 IC Toy Soldiers14 IC SSHThe DealAll PAX do hi/lo planks while waiting their turn. First PAX does 3 burpees and sprints up the big hill and back (next PAX starts after first finishes burpees until all have gone). When you get back you do 3 burpees and then load the pellet rifle, take a shot at the Target approximately 60 feet away. Reload and take a second shot. Each miss is a penalty, put a penny in your hand for each miss. Return to parking lot and back to hi/lo planks. After all PAX complete we circle up, drop our penny-alties. PAX can choose between 40 squat jumps or burpees, 30 anvil deadlifts of KB swings, or 20 of the 90# over the shoulder heavy bag tosses.Round 2 is similar but bear crawl up and down the lot, trail run, 5 pull ups and 5 burpees on your way bag to shooting station, again 2 shots with penalty pennies. Penalty was reduced to 25 squat jumps or burpees, 20 deadlifts or KB swings, or 15 over shoulders.Final round was quick…trail run free for all, 5 pull ups, then burpees at the station until you can shoot. Shooting when your heart rate is high is a whole different game. Control your breathing, focus on the sights and squeeze the trigger instead of pulling it. This workout is probably better with less people or more pellet rifles. Also need sufficient space between PAX and a safe place to set up the target. Reflection Matthew 23:16-17 Christ gives the Pharisees an earful because they have lost sight of the true Gospel. They are “blind guides” because they don’t focus on the important parts of life. Let us all remember our most important roles as sons of God, fathers, husbands, friends, and men of honor. Like the Tulsa officer may we be prepared to run to the aid of those around us both physically and spiritually with our minds focused on the right target!Prayers for those that are suffering, especially those I Virginia Beach.Always an honor to be with all of you .Anvil