F3 Combine…




Cotton Pickers 


Mosey to Home Side Bleachers with some butt kicks & toy soldiers




Ladder Drills 3x

Burpee Up Bleachers & Down 

10 Tranchulas – (Squat Lunge Lunge Squat )

Jump Up Bleachers – Mosey Down 3x

10 Jump Knee Tucks

10 Power Planks • 

10 Heismans • 


<Repeat 3x>


Plank :30

R Side Plank :15

L Side Plank :15


Glute Bridge 

Jane Fonda




Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would want them do to you, for this sums up the Law of the Prophets.

Matthew 20:26L Not so with you.  Instead, whoever wants to become great amoung you must be your servent. 


Death is one area I avoid.  Mainly because I put things the wrong way when I say them.  If you haven't noticed I am not very politically correct.  But yesterday I went to pickup the coolers at Cabelas, something I dreaded.  I just wanted to say as little as possible and get out.  Luckily P-Funk was working and having some coffee, it broke the ice for me and provided that distraction.  I think I made it out without looking like a total well you know.  


But in doing something I hate, I was blessed.  Only great things were said about the men of F3 and thanks given to my sons Cub Scout Pack during the visit. I could have let someone else do my dirty work, but I was off.  Turns out, being a servant (volunteering) and treating people how you have been treated will end up blessing you more than being served.  


So this mornings workout was a little more of things we don't like.  I mean burpees, squats and lunges on top of Jane Fondas with onlookers is never desired.  The Heismens we looked like we had the ants (or gnats) in our pants.  But in doing the dreaded exercises we moved and groved side to side, up and down.  Those rarely used muscles will feel it tomorrow.  Be sure t try BrogA! 

