F3 Dads Gets Trashy

Event Date

Jan 02, 2016


Other PAX (not registered yet):  Swedish Fish

2.0 PAX (not registered yet):  CandyCane (Scrappy 2.1), SackMachine (Scrappy 2.0), Unicorn (Gnarly Goat 2.2), Peanut (Gnarly Goat 2.3), Silver Surfer (Titan 2.0), Cookie (Elmers 2.0), Cocoa (Jedi 2.0), Hot Wheels (Jedi 2.1), Trigger (Springfield 2.1), LadyFish (Springfield 2.0), FNG Wyatt Krone, 3-Peat (f/k/a Caboose 2.0), Mountain Gator (Bama 2.0), Twizzler (Swedish Fish 2.2), Skittles (Swedish Fish 2.2), SteamRoller (Gnarly Goat 2.1)


8 DADS and 16 PROGENY made up the 24 PAX at F3 Dads.  It was a crisp 34 degrees at 0700 and the PAX were ready to roll.  N1ghtst1ck (QIC) of Isotope was ready to roll out the Michigan on the PAX and the 2.0's and their Dads followed me to the pristine turf fields at Bailey Road Park.  I was pleasently surprised to see so many 2.0's so early, still on vacation, and with the cold front that had just moved in.  It really blessed me to have that much support out there. 

See below for the *Trashy part. 

Dynamic warm-up:

Mosey to the soccer fields with Whip and Nae Nae playing on Scrappy's #BombBox

SSH x 10 (in cadence unless otherwise noted)

Smurf Jacks (aka Evil Jacks) x 10 

Windmills (Gnarly Goat) x 10 

Merican / Elbow Plank to the song "Say Geronimo" 

The Thang:

A.  Relay Races

     1.  Carry your 2.0 to mid-field and run back 

     2.  Bear crawl to mid-field and run back

     3.  Backwards Crab walk 1/4 way, Forward Crab walk 1/4 way, Run Back 

     4. PiggyBack your 2.0 all the way down and back 

B.  Four Corners 

     1.  Burpees x 5, Merkins x 5, WW2 x 5, DeadMan Fall x 5 (courtesy of Steam Roller)

     2.  Squats x 10, Monkey Humpers x 10, LBC's x 10, Carolina Dry Docks x 10 (Bear Crawl to each corner – crowd favorite) 

C.  Tunnel of Love 

D.  Cack – a – lacka Choo-choo Train 

E.  Burpee /  WW2 Ladder x 5 (Unicorn winner)

F.  PAX get Trashy

     1.  Gnarly Goat has the PAX line up in two lines.  

     2.  First group runs around Field 1 picking up trash such as empty water bottles and food wrappers.  

     3.  Second group runs around the upper field doing the same.  

G.  Scrappy Says / Goaty Says (We played Simon Says and there was a 1 burpee penalty for not doing what Scrappy or "Goaty" Says)

H.  Alphabet Soup (We spelled each F3 Dad as we were on our 6 in low flutter position, pointing our toes and spelling the names in ALL CAPS with our toes).  

I.    SHUT-UP and DANCE (Jog in place.  Hit the ground when the song says the words "Shut Up and Dance") (White men dancing occurred between the choruses).  


     1.    V-Ups (Steam Roller) 

     2.    LBCs  (LadyFish)

     3.  Mason Twist (Candy Cane) 

     4.  Crunchy Frog (Silver Surfer) 

     5.  Cocoa (J-Lo)

K.  COT (Gnarly Goat)


1.  Great idea by Gnarly Goat to scour the fields for trash.  This was a good workout at the same time.  We must have picked up between 20-30 water bottles on each field or more.  It was amazing to see how much trash was actually out there.  Nice audible Goat.  Leave it to a GOAT to want to go rummaging for trash.  Baaaah. 

2.  Unicorn won the burpee ladder in the half-pipe between the soccer fields.  She was huffing the whole time and battling demons in her pain cave.  She beat everyone fair and square.  She has the heart of a champion. Aye. 

3.  The Scrappy 2.0's were caught doing super fast exercises.  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree…  Thankfully, there was no #FormPolice out there today.

4.  This was actually a pretty tough workout, despite #F3Dads.  Many Dads went to their knees on "Say Geronimo" and could not complete the Alphabet Soup.  Luckily, the 2.0's were calling out their Dads and the #MumbleChatter was heavy. 

5.   Welcome to F3 3-peat.  If I recall you were unexpected by your parents.  Born on 3/30.  On the 3rd floor and room number 33.  See you at the next event.  

6.   F3 Dads is another success.  We were outnumbered 2 to 1 this AM and the Sky Q was smiling from above as we kicked off the New Year locking shields with our 2.0's.  

We are blessed to be a blessing to others.  

Nice work!

