F3 Davidson Green SuckFest City

Event Date

Jul 05, 2016



PAX LIST:  PipeDream, Lewinski, DMV, Stout, MoonLight, Ghengis Khan, Mary K, Devo, EZ, Hooker, Slow Hand, ROIDS, Dingo, Heister, Duvall, Samford, Hollywood, Bojangles, Luke Shelley FNG

19 thrill seekers arrived at the Davidson Green for a guest Q.  Last night I got a message from Ditka, "Hey, did you know that you had the Q at Davidson?" Answer:  No. 

I had reached out to Duvall to put me on the schedule back in May, but I'm not sure I am on your email distribution list.  So, wires got crossed the wrong way, but thankfully we figured it out anyway.  

It was around 70 degrees at the start and actually a decent breeze. 

So, my very first post at F3 Davidson was about 3 years ago.  Being new to F3, the stadiums kicked me in the teeth and left a mark.  I could barely run back home after P Diddy put a whooping on us.  Actually, I think I tried to go too fast on the stadium ladder, got winded really early, and never recovered.  

Thankfully this time I was the Q and could pace myself a little better. 


20 SSH

10 squats

All PAX accounted for and disclaimer that we would be running to the track today. 

The Thang

Fast mosey to the Davidson Track where FiA was doing a track workout.  "Heads up, runner," would become a common theme as we shared the space. 

50 merkins and 50 LBC's if you got there early.  

(1) Stadium Ladder

10 squats at the top

10 WW2 situps at the bottom

8-8, 6-6, 4-4, 2-2 for a total of 5 trips up the stadium. 

(2)  Track Work

(a) Partner Up (not with the similar speed)

Partner A – 20 knees to armpits, 20 supine pull ups on the railing, 20 mountain climbers (4 count)

Partner B – Run a Lap


(b) 4 Corner Burpee-palooza

As a group, PAX stay together and sprint the track stopping at each corner.

10 burpees – on both short ends of the track

6 burpees – on both long ends of the track 

Total – 32 burpees and 4 quick sprints 

(3) Davidson Arena 

Mosey to the 3 foot wall semi-circle around the arena 

Box Jump, Decline Merkin or Derkin Ladders 

a.  10 – 2 ladder 

10 box jumps, 10 derkins 

8 box jumps, 8 derkins 

6, 6 and 4, 4 and 2, 2 

b. 5-1 ladder (in cadence as a group)

5 box jumps, 5 derkins 

4, 4 and 3, 3 and 2, 2 and 1,1 

(4) Arena Alley 

Mosey around the left side of the arena and partner up

Partner A:  10 pull-ups, 20 SSH's single count, and 20 WW2 situps 

Parnter B:  Run around the building to the parking lot and back 


Jailbreak back to the Green 

COT:  Scrappy


1.  You can thank P-Diddy for this nasty workout.  He sowed this #PainSeed back in 2013.  I modified it a bit and the PAX reaped the bountiful harvest today.  Speaking of which, we missed you out there today PD.  

2.  Lots of respect out there today.   Several men 55-56 range.  Very inspiring and furthers my understanding that I have no excuse to FS, ever. 

3.  Lots of speed out there today.  I was hanging on by a thread at the end trying to draft on EZ. The derkin, box jump ladder brought on some dizziness for sure.  I had to fight my way out of that pain cave.  

4.  We ran 5,000 steps today on my son's Fitbit. Yes, he makes me wear it to my workouts to get extra steps.  I think 5,000 steps equats to about 2.5 miles.  Seemed a lot longer.  

5. I saw Tantrum's M. "Yo Adrian" on the track.  Looking good ladies and thanks for the shout out.  

6.  It was pretty humid out there this AM.  The only significant breeze we got was when MARY K decided to drop it into supersonic gear and blast away from the PAX.  Mad wheels brother. 

7.  Samford, Duvall, MoonLight and any other RESPECTS I missed…. again, RESPECT.  That workout was hard and you men were crushing it.  Wow. 

8.  EZ looking solid as always.  Thanks for being my compass through the college quad maze of buildings.  

9.  Great to see Spanarkle for a brief moment on the library steps.  RESPECT to you as well. 

Give it away,

George Bell, 38, "Scrappy"