F3 Exicon work at Fallout

Event Date

Sep 28, 2021


Not a very original workout today at Fallout.  It was copied from a Mad Scientist workout from about 8 weeks ago.

Here is, roughly; what went down at Fallout today.

0502:  Solo run standard.



  • Apolo Ohnos x 10 IC
  • 21s  (Exicon definition below)
    • In unison PAX does 2-count (Note: We did 4 count) side straddle hop and counts reps 1-5 out loud. Reps 6-21 are all mental and everyone must stop together at 21. If anyone stops early or goes over Q has PAX perform penalty workout of Q’s choice.
    • Editor's note:  The Pax were perfect on this!  (And definitely not just saying that because YHC didn't want to do a "penalty" workout either)
  • Aiken Legs  (Exicon definition below)
    • Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward).
  • Praying Mantis x 12 IC
  • Bobby Hurley x 12 IC
    • When one does a squat and slaps the ground with both hands like a Duke basketball player, then jumps up and raising arms as if taking a jump shot.

The 'Mostly stolen from the Exicon' Thing:

  • Bernie Sanders
    • Find the tallest hill you can and traverse it from bottom to top while running backwards. You'll find the quads you never had and all the while feeling the BERN. Repeat as necessary.
    • (I.E. we Quadraphilia’d up the hill to the wall.  Audible called with about 30 yards to go because of potholes)
  • Ascending Testicles on the wall
    • Cousin of Balls to the Wall. Start with feet on wall in 15 degree descending Merican (Derkin) position. Do 10 Derkins then walk feet up wall to 45 degree Derkin position. 10 more Derkins then walk feet up wall to full Balls to the Wall pose. Can add 10 more Derkins here if you're tough enough. Or hold in BTTW pose.
    • (Audible:  Only did ~ 3 Mericans IC each angle, this was a smoker!)
  • Boo Boo Bear Crawl from the first to the 3rd basketball hoop
    • This was just a one legged bear crawl

Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot.  Everyone grabbed one block.

  • Front shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC (this was added to the Mad Scientist workout, we were slightly ahead on time)
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Captain Thors
    • WWII followed by American Hammers in 4 count, so start 1-4 all the way to 6-24.

Recovery lap around the track.  Back to the benches for:

  • Decline Mericans x 5 IC
  • Shoulder touch Mericans (back on the level) x 5 IC
  • Decline shoulder touch Mericans x 5 IC (combining the 2 concepts)

More block work:

  • Jump over your blocks sideways x 20 OYO
  • Bent over rows x 12 IC
  • Chest press x 12 IC
  • Curls AMRAP for ~30 seconds

Put blocks away, another lap around the track before Mary.


  • Out and ups (couldn’t find this on the Exicon page, some said it resembled a 'Heels to Heaven') x 45 second AMRAP
  • Bay City Scissors
    • Alternating scissor kicks done in an 8-count. On your back start with your legs at a 45-degree angle. Alternate legs for a vertical 4-count scissor; 1-right leg up/ left leg down, 2-left leg up/ right leg down, 3-right leg up/ left leg down, 4-left leg up/ right leg down. Counts 5-8 are parallel to the ground; 5- right leg over left leg, 6- left over right, 7-right over left, 8-left over right. That's ONE. A real crowd pleaser at the end of your AB workout.
    • Editor's Note:  This one has potential but YHC's cadence calling here was 'meh', meaning I probably could've slowed it down.
  • Elbow plank x ~45 seconds.  The Mad Scientist workout Weinke ended there.  We added a few to the Mad Scientist workout:
  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Crunchy frog x 15 IC
  • Low flutters x 15 IC
  • Another round of Captain Thors, this time up to 5-20 but I may have shorted us 1 American Hammer.  Cobains!

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.33 miles according to Strava.


  1. We prayed for Fescue and family. 
  2. First time meeting Gambini today, beast.  When YHC called the Bernie Sanders he joked "does that mean we'll all share the workout?" which took YHC a minute to get because I was oxygen deprived already.  Clever.  Also Gambini was quietly counting on the 21s which is sort cheating but again, clever.  He also said we need to rename the Bobby Hurleys as The Woj and he's got a point there.   
  3. Burgoo noted the instructions were clear and simple in the #PB, "wear gloves".  Then he proceeded to not wear gloves.  Glad you came out anyway and hope your ankle is ok bud.
  4. Good to catch up with Hasselhoff today, who was leading the running from the front.  Strong work today bud.
  5. Believe 66 and YHC concurred that this workout had too many abs exercises.  Here's hoping we don't feel it too much tomorrow AM.
  6. Always good to get a visit from Marker.  Glad to hear you have better hours at work.  Here's hoping we can both get in a few good weeks of workouts before the weather turns cold bud.
  7. Thank you Tantrum for the opportunity to lead.  Call me a fan of the revamped Fallout.

Appreciate you gents. 
