F3 Facts and History

Event Date

Oct 14, 2017

?FNG Today – Shane, who is a volleyball coach at LCS.  He is also into web graphic design and such.  Good guy, and we were glad to have him.  He did great and we cant wait to get to know him better.  Great effort today!  So when it came to the part where we name him, we seemed to like the volleyball thing as some names were: "Wilson", "Spike", etc, but we finally landed on "Bumb".  So welcome "Bump" to our cult club!

Soundoff video is on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/f3denvernc/

Warm Up
R over L – stretch while I inform PAX of today’s workout title "F3 Facts and History"
L over R – stretch while I Mention the couple guys who started F3 at ELHS, Cheetah and Clark.
In honor of Cheetah, we will do two of his favorite warm-up exercises
Parking Lot Mosey
10 IC Dippy Birds – L leg 
10 IC Dippy Birds – R leg 
Now for some of Clarks favorite exercises (and trivia, Clark likes trivia)
5 IC WTF Merkins (Yes only 5 because I hate them)
(Trivia: Do you know date of first F3 workout ever? 1/1/2011)
20 IC SSH (because Clark is known for mysteriously showing up just after SSH's are completed.) (Trivia: Do you know how many PAX posted to that first workout? 34)

In 2014 I had started F3, there were a few men that were at every workout for the first 6 months or so, that are still here today.  I would like to thank them for the long friendships we have had.  They are: Clark, Nittany, Diesel, Sonar, Ziploc.  It is impressive that these guys are all still kicking it with us 3 years later.  

Next, we roll into The Thang:
Mosey down to the blocks and grab one to bring back up to the practice field.  Soldier gets a medium rock.
One time mosey around to show everyone the circuit, goes like this:
10 OYO Australian Bar
No reason for that, just because it is unique to Mustang, and we can!
2 x through the rope ladder
I will think of Sonar and the skin he lost on his shin every time we run these.
1 Tire Flip (That's right, before the workout, with the help of Closer and Clubber, we rescued the tire from the woods and rolled it back up the hill.)
Only 1 flip otherwise we will have a bottleneck!  This tire has been here as long as I can remember.
10 OYO Squats with a block
These blocks were bought by Ziploc, and we thank you too, I think…
30 OYO fire hose slams (FNG "Bump" gets credit for doing 30 with each arm)
I made these hoses just to add more variation to what we do.  I found the idea on the internet after I found out how much battle ropes cost!
(repeat until whistle) went for about 15-20 minutes

5 OYO Pull ups
Do you know where this bar came from??  It was made by… Diesel!  Thanks! I think…

Everyone get a block and line up.  Get into groups of 3.
You can thank Col. Mustard for this idea.  
One PAX goes across the field, so that there is one PAX at each side, and one will be the runner.
First round:
Skull crushers with block, mosey, LBC (until we have done 2 rounds)
Curls with block, shuffle, plank (2 rounds)

?This is where the workout changed and we decided to wing it.  There was a band competition today and people started rolling in from all over, golf carts flying around.  So we couldn't pass up an opportunity for an audience so we head to the track.  1/4 lap But Kickers, then a set of 10 Mountain Climbers, high knees to the start line, 100 yard dash, 5 Burpees, Mosey remaining part of the lap (Spork and Clubber decide to race).  So I dedicated this part of the workout to the newly formed Mustang Run Club.   

Mosey back to where we were, then return the blocks.

Quadra-Feel-Ya back up the hill.

Mosey up to the top of the parking lot.  
Why the top of the parking lot?  So the sad clowns driving by (and swarming our AO) could see us.  What is a sad clown?  From the Freed to Lead book, it says the name originally came from the HBO show the Sopranos where Tony says "I find I have to be the sad clown; laughing on the outside, crying on the inside."

Circle Up for Mary
In and Outs – but rotating legs each out.
LBC – but each time taking elbow to opposite knee facing up hill
?LBC – same as before, but this time facing down hill

Rescuing a Sad Clown, is a mission.
Rescuing the lost, is THE mission.

Restore Wandering Believers
James 5:19-20
19 My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back, 20 you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back from wandering will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.

– Q brought 2 copies of Freed to Lead to loan out to the PAX.  T-claps to Bumb for borrowing a copy.  
– In place of 10 counts, Q randomly asked a PAX to explain their nickname.
– Many EH's were thrown out there today to the men randomly passing by us.  
?- We had a lot of PAX who reached out and let me know they had plans and could not make it.  9 is still a good turn out, and having a FNG is always a plus!
?- I'm sure there was more, so feel free to add.