Event Date

Jul 21, 2016


PAX arrived to unknowingly play F3 GO.



25 IC Mt. Climbers

25 IC Imperial Squat Walkers

10 IC Merkin


Indian Run to F3 Stop (also a Poke Stop)

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Groiners

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Apolo Ono Mt. Climbers

F3 Stop – Merkin Clock (5IC x 5)

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Widegrip Mt. Climbers

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Inverted Mt. Climbers (facing up)

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Semicircle Mt. Climbers (moving feet from 6 o'clock to 9 to 6 to 3 and back to 9)

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Side Plank Mt. Climbers Left

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Side Plank Mt. Climbers Right

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Hanging Mt. Climbers (from the up pullup position)

Captured F3 exercise – 10IC Austrailian Row Mt. Climbers (from the up pullup position knees to chest)

Bear crawl length of parking lot and crawl bear back

PAX Choice 6 MoM

20 IC Low flutter 

10 IC Tony Hawk

10 IC Peter Parkers

10 IC Dr. W's

30 seconds of American Hammer


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." – Albert Einstein

Matthew 22

37) Jesus declared, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38) This is the first and greatest commandment. 39) And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’…

The conversation needs to start with this. The violance within America is tough to comprehend to me. 

I didn't clarify my thought "start" because I will protect my fmaily at all cost and expect the same from fellow Americans.


Lots of MC

My purple socks, the number of IC in login/warmup, etc. It's always fun to run beside Clark!


Converge in Linclonton Saturday

Denver Defense Sunday

Denver AO shirt order set to expire July 28th.