F3DBC Q’s are too cool to post backblasts

Event Date

Jan 09, 2019


Riptide and SeaBiscuit (FNG-1) went on a run, I guess they like that kind of thing.

The rest of us started with the obligatory SSH's and then finished warming up with some ISTs, Wall Step-Ups, and some other stretches for which I don't know the names.  Then we ran to DUMC to pick up some sandbags and partner up.

Partner A, Farmers Walk carry both sandbags and head to the Pull-Up bar school (still can't remember the name of this place).  Partner B, 10 burpess then run to catch up with partner and switch.  Alternate all the way to school.

At school, Sandbag Thruster x 21 (single count).  Then 21 pull-ups.  Repeato at 15 reps each.  Repeato at 9 reps each.

Then Farmers Walk/Burpee combo with partner and sandbags back to DUMC.

At DUMC, Bear Complex w/ sandbags (overhead snatch + sandbag lunges) x 12, then 4 sandbag burpees.  Repeato at 8 & 8.  Repeato at 4 & 12.

Run back to Green for stretching and COT.

Fun workout in the cold, definitely need to do the Farmers Carry with the sandbags again!
