FACT – Bare hands + Cinder Blocks + Peeing on your hands in shower = NO Corona Virus

In honor of Tom Brady not having a contract, 12 of the greatest Pax known to Discovery Place Kids showed to answer the call and brave the Plague that is thinning the worldwide herd.  That sentence makes no sense, just like this workout which was modeled after Band of Brothers but was really Bricks and Bands of Brothers.   Although…the Bricks were really cinder blocks.  Anyway…here is their story:

Warm O'Rama

  • Mosey to the lowest deck where the cinder blocks are located
  • Circle up
  • SSH x20 IC
  • Mountain Climber slow-fast-slow X12 IC

The Main Thang

Partner up for the Uphill journey to the top Deck

  • P1 takes two cinder blocks and farmer carries them up one deck 
  • P2 puts a band above their knees and side shuffles up one deck
  • Flap jack repeato
  • On the last deck, we drop the bands and run up and back for two decks
  • Flapjack repeato 
  • Slowsey to the top deck

Upon reaching the summit we do a tabata workout – 1 minute on, 30 seconds off.   We completed 1.4 rounds of these 11 exercices:

  1. Alternating arms on the ropes
  2. Banded Squat
  3. Freddie Mercury while holding up a cinder block
  4. Jump rope
  5. Blocked Full Curls
  6. Vups w/cinder block
  7. 40 lb or 30 lb slam ball
  8. Banded apollo ohno
  9. Dixie Twist with a cinder block
  10. Long resistance banded jabs
  11. Hip bridge with cinder block chest press

Due to time constraints. we then partnered up.

  • P1 farmer carried both blocks down one deck
  • P2 ran down 2 and back up 1 deck
  • Flapjack, repeato to basement
  • Circle up
    • High plank
    • 6 Mericans IC 

Recover, recover

COT, Announcements – lots of CSAUP in all shapes and sizes, Name O'rama, Prayers

Out for HDHH at Main Street Bar

Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Blackbae's mumble chatter seemed off this week.   Perhaps the lack of a beard has ruined his powers like Samson
  • Crocs liked the side shuffles in the bands, but did NOT like the banded squats
  • Camelback, Burning Bush and Jaws seemed deep in conversation about what…who knows. 
  • Pit Stop was EXTREMELY pleased that he fought off the couch to walk into this whirlwind of fun
  • The chatter always seems to die down after about 4 rounds of exercises when people have been hit with two of the cardio rounds.  The slam balls really seem to quiet most everyone
  • Swanson's dad is 75, and he did great work in a challenging workout
  • Swanson is headed to India for a few weeks backpacking.  Cheers and best of luck
  • Papa Smurf ran to help clean up despite hating running.   Jaws took the elevator even though he loves running.  Clean up was pretty fast so everyone could get to HDHH