16 Pax posted for this Monday’s Man Maker

The Thang in no particular order:

Mosey around the school

SSH @ 101 (Always a crowd-pleaser)

Downward Dogs to stretch those tight calves


Slow Squat

The American Push-up


Overhead Press

Hammer Curl

Lawn Mowers

The Pullover

KB Squat

Lap around the lot

People’s Chair


People’s Chair


Skull Crusher

Kettle Bell Swing


Mosey to playground:

10 pull-ups, 15 jump-squats

10 toes to bar, 20 sit-ups

Mosey back to KBs

Overhead Press

Skull crusher

1/4-turn jump squat

Hammer Curls

Dying Cockroach



Low Flutter

Very, very slow ‘Merican


1.  Samsonite and YHC started with a 2.87 mile Standard- No Omega, No Kid Rock 🙁

2.  Some stragglers came in late this morning, must have stayed up to watch the Women’s NCAA Final

3.  It looked like Uncle Rico was carrying a 50 pound KB.  Must be a light workout day.

4.  Bag Boy asked us all to think about those men who may have fallen away from F3, for one reason or another. And for us to reach out to those we can identify just to see if we can get them to re-engage.  Or at least to let them know they’re missed and have people there to help or listen, as needed.  A good message Bag Boy and something each of us has probably needed at some point or another.

5.  Thanks Gents and Omega for letting me lead

6. Next week’s Q:  Shaken, Not Stirred!  Vesper Martinis for all who post?  Show to know.
