Failure is imminent

14 men decided soccer arms suck and took the #DRP this morning, while 3 of our brothers from other mothers decided they would rather run because they were scared of a Clark Q, and are content with soccer arms.  Here is what we did…

15 IC Tony Hawks
10 IC Cotton Pickers
25 IC 'Mericans

The Thang
Mosey down to the pull-up bar.  Rotate through MAX pull-ups while PAX holds low plank while waiting.

Q announces that since Mary has been neglected lately we are going to go ahead and take care of that part…

10 IC Dr. W
10 IC Peter Parkers
15 IC Low Flutter
15 IC Low Dolly
10 IC Low Plank Hops
5 IC Dr. W

The Thang returns
Since we are still here at the pull-up bars, another round of MAX pull-ups while awaiting PAX does Burpees

Mosey to the track
25 IC 'Mericans
Everyone know your 1 mile PR pace…okay, now run that pace for 1 lap.  Apparently Clubber thinks he has a 5 minute mile pace, but whatever T-Claps for the strong push.

10 IC Pseudo Planche e 'Mericans (New exercise for Spork and Schoolbus, who I noticed had perfect 180° rotation)
Sprint to the concrete bleachers.

Yes, you did it Monday, but I missed out…jump up each step, 10 calf raises at the top, burpee down each step and 10 dips at the bottom. (Q had planned to repeato this TWICE, but due to time constraints tapped out)

20 IC 'Derkins
Sprint back to the gate (1/2 lap)

Mosey back to the pull-up bars yet again for another round of MAX pull-ups while pax does squats.
still not as high as your squat

Yes image size is 420×420 pixels

Mosey to the rock pile where Q instructs everyone to grab a big rock, NOT a small rock.  At least 2 PAX (I won't call you out you Yellow Weed or the other Old Yeller' Feller' toot-toot) didn't listen.
The next set of exercises will be until you fail…
Curls with your giant rock, until you fail
Shoulder Presses, until you fail
And for the final one you need a partner, because otherwise it's not safe, Skull Crushers until you fail.

Mosey back over to the Austrailian pull-up bar, which is just like a regular pull-up, but from down under…
10 IC palms facing away
10 IC Palms facing you

Mosey back to the Launch pad, where Clubber and Spork decided to race…

Q hoped to spend more time on this, but was super busy, so yesterday's verse of the day was

Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers all wrongs.

Proverbs 10:12


  • Lots of 'Merican's was the #CrowdPleaser
  • Good to see Cyclone back out
  • Note Closer this backblast is going out TODAY.  It might be confusing if I sent it out a week from today.
  • No Mustang workout Saturday.  You have 4 options for May 6th.
  1. Converge at LBC (That's Highland Drive Park)
  2. Go to SVU
  3. Strap on a ruck (Talk to Ziplock)
  4. Fartsack