Fall in at Fallout

Event Date

Oct 04, 2022


In keeping with the incredibly cheesy preblast, we'll keep the cheesiness going with the title here and I'm not that creative with quirky titles to describe workouts, but hope to get better at it.

Didn't have alot of time to plan for the workout so wanted to try some new tabata exercises which we carried out over four rounds with the 9 brave souls that came out even though the weather is getting colder.  

The workout below for your reading pleasure…


  • 50 SSH in cadence
  • 10 Merkins (5 regular, 5 slow count)
  • 10 Squats (5 regular, 5 slow count)
  • 10 Slippery Dip Can (5 regular, 5 slow count)
  • 10 Toy Soldiers
  • 10 hillbillies
  • 1 lap around the track

*Mosey back to parking lot for Tabata Rounds (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 8 intervals)

Round 1: 

  • 20 Seconds Pushup 
  • 10 Second Rest
  • 20 Seconds Walkout
  • 10 Seconds Rest

?*Alternate between pushups and walkouts for 8 intervals or 4 minute rounds

Mosey up to loading dock area to start Round 2

Round 2:

  • 20 Seconds Squats (option for jump squats if so desired)
  • 10 Second Rest
  • 20 Seconds Up/Down Planks
  • 10 Seconds Rest

?*Alternate between squats and planks for 8 intervals or 4 minute rounds

Performed 3 rounds of wall sits with plank wall touches before starting Round 3

Mosey back to parking lot for Round 3

Round 3:

  • 20 Seconds Back lunges (option for bonnie blaire if so desired)
  • 10 Second Rest
  • 20 Seconds Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Seconds Rest

?*Alternate between back lunges and mountain climbers for 8 intervals or 4 minute rounds

Run 1 more lap around track before Round 4

Round 4:

  • 20 Seconds Side Lunges (2 rounds of around the world lunges)
  • 10 Second Rest
  • 20 Seconds Freddy Mercuries
  • 10 Seconds Rest

?*Alternate between side lunges and Freddy Mercuries for 8 intervals or 4 minute rounds

Round of Mary:

  • Several of the PAX led us through varying exercises including homer to marge, low flutters, box cutters, burpees, etc…


Everyone must be really excited about Christmas Party this year because that's always announced during COT, lol.  Great opportunity to be thankful as well for the ability to workout and fellowship with everyone and made sure to lift up those who weren't able to be present.

*Option presented to everyone to run an additional two laps around the track to have a complete mile after COT


  • Swamp Fox, I know we said no more Bonnie Blairs after IPC Week 5 yesterday.  Sorry about that, but thanks for enduring a few more today.  I know we'll probably feel it tomorrow.
  • Thanks Gambini for running those extra laps at the end and making sure we got our full mile in!
  • Fudd and Mona Lisa, I'm sorry that you guys were stuck by the porta-potties during Round 3.  Wasn't trying to break you down mentally by having you there, but way to improvise, adapt, and overcome
  • Hasselhoff definitely brought the mumble chatter today, but was definitely focused when doing the wall plank touches next to me.  Way to tough it out brother.
  • Rodeo, I purposefully didn't include burpees today and yet you had to include that during our round of Mary?!?!?!  Not too upset about that, and thanks for the extra push
  • Drebin and Cobra(FNG-1) were silent assassins today. They killed the workout with no complaints and I'm sure could have kept on going after the workout was over!

Thanks guys for owning the gloom with me and it's always a pleasure to workout with my brothers.  Keep pushing (won't see keep pounding because the panthers are terrible now!)