Fallout Foglifter

Event Date

Nov 15, 2016

6 PAX showed up today and got it done at Fallout!!!  Gotta admit that when BigBird and I pulled in to an empty parking lot we exchanged the look of “lets make a UTurn and get outta here!!!”  Eventually, some headlights appeared through the fog and the six of us made the best of it on a warm foggy morning in the gloom.  Here is how it went down:

Warmorama: mosey around track for hi knees; butt kickers; shuffle; etc;  circle up: all in cadence except the silent burpees in between….not feeling the love from the PAX on these

10 SSH (1 Burpee); 10 Cotton Pickers (3 Burpees); 10 IST (5 Burpees); 10 Toy Soldiers (7 Burpees); 10 Windmills (9 Burpees)

The Thang:

Mosey to parking lot and line up along curb.  Bear crawl across parking lot and do 9 incline merkins; crawl bear back and do 1 squat; Repeato but decline merkins by 2 each time and increase squats by 2 each time.  Not much mumble chatter during this!!!

Mosey to field and partner up about 30 yards from sidewalk.  Partner carry to sidewalk, flapjack, and return to start.  Do 25 partner hand slap merkins.  Partner wheelbarrow to sidewalk, flapjack, and return to start.  Do 10 Over/Unders each.  Repeato partner carry back and forth.  Do 10 decline merkins with feet on partner as he is in plank position.  Tunnel of Love from start line to sidewalk.

Mosey to grab Cindy and meet at track.  Partner 1 begins to farmers carry around track, Partner 2 does 25 LBCs and then runs them down and flapjack.  Continue until you complete one lap around track.

Return Cindy and mosey to parking lot for Mary:

20 Low Flutter; 10 Shoulder Touch Merkins

There are no real words for how it feels to pull into the parking lot when you have the Q and nobody is there.  I felt like the kid who got picked last in PE class to be honest.  Fearless, I stuck it out and was relieved to have some of the recent regulars show up.  Certainly didn’t expect Estee Lauder in that sweet Corvette as I am much more a fan of the truck!!!  Code Blue, you are just a beast and I always enjoy working out with you my man.  Snap On…..29…..really man????  Great stuff today!  Elmers, without you I have no Hasselhoff toy and that would be sad!  Big Bird, welcome back my good friend.  Great to have you back out there and hope to see you more for sure!

TBone, thanks for the opportunity to lead.  F3 is a great way to start the day for sure!

Until next time!
