Fallout – Just Do Whatever You Want…

14 Men showed up at Fallout to watch YHC do exercises and follow along when they wanted to.  Suggestions were made, directions were given, and sometimes they were followed.  Either way, all 15 of us (including 4 for The Standard) are better for making the journey out of the FartSack.


Mosey up parking lot and circle up

  • SSH's x20 I.C.
  • IST's x20 I.C.
  • The Windmill x15 I.C. (WHERE IS MOOCH!!??)
  • Mountain Climbers x15 I.C.
  • Merkins x10 I.C.

The Thang:

Mosey over to school playground and circle up

  • LBCs x20 I.C.
  • Split into two groups with Group 1 doing 10 pull-ups on one playground and other group doing 20 Decline Merkins at other playground. 
  • Flip-Flop
  • Repeat for a total of 4 sets of each
  • Group 1 now does 20 knee ups at the first playground and other group does 20 WWII sit-ups at other playground
  • Flip-Flop
  • Repeat for a total of 4 sets of each

Mosey over to the hill next to the track

Suggested exercises:  Backwards Bear-Crawl up the hill, 10 merkins at the top, Bear-Crawl down the hill 10 Carolina Dry-Docks.

Actually done by most of the PAX:  slow walking up the hill (some backwards), standing at the top, some bear crawling down, 10 Carolina Dry-Docks

Next set:  Quadrophilia up the hill, 20 squats at the top, crab walk down, 20 LBCs at the bottom

Most of the PAX did that…

Over to the Rock Pile to grab a rock

Burners x15 I.C.

Return the rocks and mosey to parking lot and circle up


  • LBCs x20 I.C.
  • The W x20 I.C.
  • Suggesed Exercise: Homer to Marge with Rosalita x10 I.C., Low Flutter x10 I.C., and Low Dolly x10 I.C. mixed in
  • Actual Exercise done by most of the PAX: Homer to Marge with complaining mixed in

Burnt Moleskin:

  • Well, it wasn't The Sharknado…
  • I lost control probably halfway through and there was a point where there may have been 1 or 2 other PAX doing the exercise I had called out.  The other 12 had no interest.
  • The phrase, "I'm not doing that" was heard multiple times.
  • To be fair though, most of the PAX completed most of the workout and all did a great job.
  • Always a great time to see everyone at Fallout and appreciate those who beat the FartSack and made it out!
  • Happy and humbled to be a part of such a great group of men!