Perfect morning for a workout – too bad only 3 Pax showed up to take advantage (including Jenny who drove right past Fallout to go to Gladiator!! freaking outrageous!). Rooter joined us and thankfully held me and Drebin accountable because the coffee card talk had already started. We took off for the bottom of the field and a brief disclaimer was proclaimed orally and all Pax consented to the workout by their continuing participation res ipsa loquitur and whatnot.
- Kamikaze – show to know
- Grab a block
- Block situps
- Slow LBC’s
- Block Russian twists
- Quick mobility moment
- Jackknife LBC’s
- Block chest press
- W’s
- Prayers for Drebin’s wife struggling with some ailments at the moment
- QvQ final tomorrow at Richard Barry/Ludicrous/Fallout/Estate – looking forward to Ampam and Force bringing it!
- Good to see Rooter back on a weekday – finally getting into a routine with the kids – looking forward to seeing him back out on a regular basis
- Thanks to Drebin for the opportunity to lead this morning
T-claps to Jenny 💪
Just kidding Gambini. You know this fraternal twin loves you…like…a…brother…