Fallout provides Mumblechatter to the max

11 PAX, mumblechatter, wet grass, big rocks, and little rocks made for a fantastic morning.

4 overzealous dummies, Calypso, Rooter, Burner and YHC, met a healthy standard.

We began the workout with THE Burpee and immediately rolled into Warm-o-rama which included fairly standard warm-up actvities with a self-serving dose of yoga. Always fun to look around the circle-of-PAX while attempting the pigeon pose…

Slow mosey to the nearest rock pile. All chose a "boulder" then zamporini'd over to a dry spot on the football field. Of course, I am kidding. The spot chosen was very wet and in pure Michigan fashion, Lawndart grabbed a pebble. 

Quick arm work with rocks, then a few ab exercises and finally moving into the morning's highlight. The Jack Webb. 2-Mericans, 4 Chest Press with rock from knees. 4-Mericans/8-Chest Press… up to 10-Mericans/20 Chest Press and then work our way back down. This is where Mooch began to show how much quit and creative mumblechatter he keeps stored in that 2-ply like physique. Once complete we capped it off with a few more ab activities and moved to the track. 

Leg work was completed on the track with 4 – 100m "sprints" in-between. At one-point YHC went to count out the cadence for squats only to see that not one other PAX, not even Jimmy-O, made any sort of movement. In full disclosure that completely threw off the count and we had to restart. I believe that is the first time in nearly 5 years that has happened during one of my Qs. Shameful, really.

Once Mooch got all spun up on the track (thanks Swede for the incog idea) we made our way back to the rock pile. A few more arm movements to get swole and then return the rocks to original location. 

Finally we got back into an orderly circle for Mary. After one or two movements, YHC looked to some veteran PAX, Mooch and Calypso, for a few Mary ideas. Since these guys are apparently heading to Denver, CO to help launch the new AO, I figured this would be a great opportunity to brush up on their Q skills. I was wrong. Denver has no idea what they are about to witness come Saturday. Let's just assume planting the flag in Denver will not happen. Enjoy the brownies Men.

Snake Eyes, The Force, 66 and Jimmy-O all jumped in and led some Mary exercises. Recover, recover.


Lookout for the region: The Force is missing. Someone replaced his likeness with a runner. The replacement has full-on soccer arms but can sprint like a mad-man.

0 PAX were able to lick their elbows during the pretzel crunch. It is an elusive accomplishment.

Really enjoyed the standard and workout this morning men. Solid effort, physically and verbally. Always great to see some familiar faces and guys I haven't met yet. Remember to sign-up to run the LKNBRR and if you are not able to run please sign up to volunteer and grab some friends to volunteer.
