Some days are a little easier to wake up, like only hit the snooze twice easy…today, a Pax of 25 reminded me why.  Here is their story:


Calypso, T-bone & YHC launced for a Tuesday version of the RR10k


66 set out on a solo ruck


9lives, Major Tom and Lawndart, BEP headed out for jaunt called #thestandard


we took a lap around what would be our stomping grounds for the next 45 min

Then, YHC led the best warmorama in all the land

SSH x 15 (IC)

Cotton Picker x 15 (IC)

IST x 15 (IC)

The most thorough disclaimer in the history of disclaimers was given and then instructions were provided.

7 laps around the lower parking lot then 10 pullups, 15 merkins and 20 squats.

Repeato with 6 laps, 5 laps, then 4, 3, 2, & 1.

When you finish early, you don't get rest.

Then grab a block and do 100 flutter kicks, then 100 chest presses until time runs out.


Snake Eyes Special led by..Snake eyes.  Because thats how you end a workout


Operation sweet tooth run is on Saturday, a couple more spots available for free if you contact YHC!

Christmas party is in december

dont forget to vote in 2020 etc.

9er led the prayer, it was good, as prayers tend to be.

Mona Lisa did work without complaining.  The Force did work…

Kumquat led the Pax today, solid work, but it doesn't always pay to be first.  He told me he planned on stretching when i said grab a block hahaha, we all know you don't stretch.

Canary's University of Buffalo sweatshirt is slowly becoming legendary like tantrums guiness sweatshirt.  I'm not sure if you guys have other articles of clothing.

Get your Major Tom while you can, we got a month until he heads south for the summer…

its Derby season, thats when you see the best Burgoo

Careful running near Blackbeard, he drove a couple people into the wall.

Burner would like to invite you all to the foundry on friday for a nice 2ndF event starting at 5:30 and ending when you merlot.

Lawndart has a call out for Qs, so you…yes, you reading this, go sign up to Q fallout.  We all know if you have been a Master Q how nice it is to have somebody step up, F3 is not free, your leadership is required.  If you don't feel comfortable leading, grab a Master Q and ask them to help you out on the workout piece.  You don't have to lead the whole time, ^ that up there is a WIB (workout in a bag).  Anybody can do it, so step up today and fill some of these spots.

Thank you lawndart for the opportunity to lead, and thanks as always to Black Eyed Pea for giving me the push to join this amazing group.  Men, this gift is as big as you want it to be, but it can't be nearly what it should if you don't share it.  There are men out there today that are praying for something impactful to come into their lives.  You can share that impact, so give it away!


