Fallout – Tuesday mosey before Turkey


12 met on a Tuesday to get it in before a Turkey holiday and to enjoy the grounds of the great grounds of the RBP/Estate!


Indian run to top of parking lot



SSH x 20

Wind mill x 10

Toy Soldier x 15

Cotton pickers x 15



Let’s break out some fence work


Partners hold hands under first fence

Drop to next fence post

Incline merkins on fence x 10

Decline merkings on fence x 10

Body pull ups x 20



Mosey to the side steps and partner up


Wheel barrel up steps and flip flow – SSH while you wait

1 arm air presses – right and left

Wheel barrel up steps with merkin at each step


Mosey to car pool area


Curb kickers x 20

Curb merkins right arm x10 each arm


Mosey to the dock


Body holds – 10 count 3 times

Low flutter x 10


Move to bus parking lot



1 Burpee

First goal – Shoulder touch merkins – 5

Run backwards

1 Burpee

Second goal – 10 LBC’s

Run backwards


Third goal – Shoulder touch merkins – 10

Run backwards


4th goal – 20 LBC’s


Spoke wheel sit-ups x 10


Mosey to playground and partner up


Partner inclines pull up rows – 10 flip flop – reapto


Calka Choo – 2 time through


WWII sit-ups – 15


Mosey to dock rails

Up on the rails and Bear crawl under to dock – reapto


Mosey back to start



5 Burpee’s





– Got a Kumquat and Jennie appearance, the qualified runners are hitting the book camps nursing their running injuries. Good to see the guys

– And well you know what Tantrum was up too……

– There always so many options at the Estate, if you haven’t Qd in a while come out and get on the calendar for Fallout

– As always it’s an honor to lead, Thanks Lawn Dart for the opportunity.