False Advertising Track Work

15 PAX won the showdown with the fartsack for a midweek delight 


Arm circles followed by love yourself to warm up shoulders as they will be used heavily

20 x SSH

20 x IC cotton pickers

20 x ISWs


Head down to track

5 x Burpees between each exercise #WhyDoesThePaxHateBurpeesSo

30 x Situps

30 x merkins

30 x squats

30 x LBCs

Upon completing wall sit with air presses + 60 seconds

5 x monkey humpers between each exercise

30 x Situps

30 x merkins

30 x squats

30 x LBCs

Upon completing wall sit with air presses + 60 seconds

5 x Lunges each leg between each exercise

30 x Situps

30 x merkins

30 x squats

30 x LBCs

Upon completing wall sit with air presses + 60 seconds

5 x ISTs between each exercise

30 x Situps

30 x merkins

30 x squats

30 x LBCs

Upon completing wall sit with air presses + 60 seconds

120 each of sit-ups, merkins, squats and LBCs #AbsImproved


Around the horn twice – Leg throws

10 x E2K (left then right) #QFailDoOver

10 x IC E2K (left then right) #NailedIt

20 x IC Reverse Crunch

20 x Pickle pounders



1 Corinthians 3:6-9 NLT

"I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers.

Think about the seeds we plant and that others have before us so that we do not choke them out but rather water them so God will allow them to grow.


  • Great turnout this morning including Kotter Mile High, good to see you back out.

  • Straight forward workout with 0 miles logged running #HeftyApproved #SporkDisapproved

  • PAX should have tramp stamps with so many sit-ups and LBCs variations on the pavement

  • Clark offers Q a geography quiz

  • Closer does Lamaze squats #NahNahNahNahBooBoo

  • Things escalated quickly with C#

  • The rest of you were to my left  😉
