Speed Dating

Let start by saying I should have known better.  I should have know the regulars of Samson don't like running so the "Standard" is a foreign concept for the PAX.  That being said I took the no show opportunity to take a power nap in order to be fully awake and attentive.  Eight fine gentlemen and burnt endz showed for another of YHC Q's.  Several of the PAX were repeats from this weeks #fallout so I decided to shake it up a bit.  The vigorous exercise went something like this…



mosey around parking lot and circle up for Standard warm up

SSH x 35 IC

Arm Circles Front and Back x a bunch 

Seal Claps x 20 IC

Carrot Pickers x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC


PAX were instructed to retrieve a cinder block of their choosing and return

Partner up for some speed dating FarmersOnly style.  Partner one farmers carry both blocks around the parking lot, partner two 10 Burpees and then run to catch partner one and flap jack – repeato until back at start point

when all PAX return grab your block

Low Curls x 10 IC

High Curls x 10 IC

Full Curls x 10 IC

Round Two

partner one Zamparini around the parking lot partner two execute 20 squats and run to partner one and flap jack – repeato until back at start

When all PAX have returned, graphic you block 

Shoulder Press x 10 IC

Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Round Three

Partner one Farmer carry blocks around parking lot, partner 2 execute 15 Mericans and run to partner one and flap jack – repeato until back at start

When all PAX return grab you block for 

Block Squats x 10 IC

Block Swings x 10 x 2

Round Four

partner one Zamparini around parking lot, partner two execute 20 LBCs and run to partner one, flap jack and repeato until back at the start

retunr blocks to their original and upright location – circle up for Mary

flutter kicks x a bunch 

touch them heels x a bunch

Recover Recover


First, haven't seen Uncle Rico in a while – he's still a beast.  Dude was doing Zamparini with both blocks – felt sorry for Caboose

Second, Lawn Dart had some nice new kicks – they were puurty but might want to save them for the running – will get ruined in the boot camps

Third, all PAXs gave Max effort this morning and it makes YHCs feel good that the PAXs were smoked

Finally, it is always a pleasure to lead and surprise the PAX – I will be at Wilderness next week so come on by

2017 Q Challenge 15/30

