Fartlek BRR Hill Prep

14 runners assaulted two of the toughest hills in NoCo LKN as BRR prep finalizes. 


Travolta Hill loop x 4

Run to Blooming Arbor

Burgoo Hill x 4…t-claps for using  our inside voices here.

Cool down to WFCH

This is an old favorite of founding MQ Ultraman.

Map app has 550 ft of climb on this route of a little over 5 miles.

Kumquat—best of luck with pending move. You’re welcome for the hills needed for BRR. Your new hood has some great hills, too.

Rocket’s Strava said it all “Fartlek from h$&#!”

YHC like others this morning was struggling out of bed, but was grateful to see 13 others there to push through a tough run.

Prayers for Jorel’s grandmother and family as they mourn her passing.



