Fartlek is measured in distance, not time!

Event Date

Mar 06, 2018


FNG-1 = Ducky.  Note:  Added "Ducky" to PAX list after the fact, on 1-May-2018.

FNG-2 = BreakfastClub.  Note:  Added "Breakfast Club" to PAX list LONG after the fact, on 28-Jun-2018.  (OCD things!)

Gents, get signed up on the website!  (I will be Tweeting a link to this Backblast)

Today at Fartlek, 6 PAX ran.  Simultaneously, believe 4 others rucked:  Labon, Etch, Sweet C, and The Count.  Apologies if I missed anyone.  Here is roughly what went down for the runners:

0510:  We should be starting…but YHC's Garmin did not catch a signal yet.  Amateur hour, apologies.  Quick disclaimer given.

0512:  We set off, even though my Garmin hadn't synced yet.  (It did shortly thereafter)


  • A slow mosey to the first cul-de-sac we came across in the neighborhood.

The "Dead End" Thing:

  • We jogged to the end of many cul-de-sacs.  On purpose!  No really, this wasn't YHC getting people lost again.  This was truly intentional.
  • From the end of many cul-de-sacs, we picked up the pace back to the beginning of each "dead end".  Paces varied from 10k, 5k, 800 meter, 400 meter, and 1 fast 200 meter pace thrown in on a short one.

The instructions were admittedly vague, since one man's 10k pace differs from the next.  But generally, we picked up the pace enough to make it a challenging run, and grabbed the 6 when needed…although for the most part we stuck together.  The 2nd F was good and the route was made up on the fly.

Recover, recover.  Seems we covered at least 6 miles (my watch was delayed).  More on the distance below.


  1. At one point, shamefully, YHC asked Tagless if the workout was 45 minutes or 1 hour.  Apologies for not knowing.  To my surprise, the answer was "We usually cover about 6 miles".  What?!?  That is awesome!  That makes Fartlek the only AO I'm aware of that bounds the workout not by a time, but by distance.  Well done!  Thanks for helping guide us on direction today bud.  Admittedly YHC doesn't know the hood too well.
  2. We prayed for Ultraman for his upcoming 50k this weekend.  Good luck brother!  Oh, and Happy Birthday as well!  This is not Ultraman's first rodeo; he has a few 50k races under his belt and I think a 50 miler as well.  And as his name suggests…he'll be fine!  He's Ultraman.
  3. During COT, Ultraman did mention the Q Calendar for Fartlek is wide open.  I hope some PAX kindly help out.  In fact, Crab Legs (our "Silent Running Assassin") asked what does a leader need to do to lead a workout?  Great question my friend!  You are extended a humble invite to "Q School" on March 17 at The Estate.  More on that below.  In general, the Q will send a "Preblast" Tweet indicating the start time, AO, AO location, and general indication of what the workout will entail.  The Q leads the workout, paying special mind to "the 6".  The Q Tweets out #F3Counts from the workout.  And the Q Tweets out a link to the Backblast.  That is but a very brief summary…again would love to see you on March 17 at 0600 for more.
  4. Breakfast Club (BC) claimed to be "shaking off the rust" today.  Could've fooled us, you looked strong out there today.  Appreciate the follow on Strava bud, YHC followed you back.
  5. Ducky rode in with BC and was similarly strong today.  Although, he claims to have not F3'd since 2017.  Hope to see you out again very soon!
  6. BC and Ducky, today was my opportunity to hand out fancy business cards with the website information on it…and YHC failed.  Didn't know at the time you weren't registered yet.  Can discuss next time.
  7. Announcements:  Q School at Excelsior / The Estate:  March 17th.  F3 Dads Workout at The Estate:  April 7th.  Quarter Ruck VI and Christina Latini Memorial 8k:  April 20th and April 21st.  Yes, there is a sweet sweet patch for those brave enough to tackle both!  For all other announcements please see the "Preblasts" page on this website.

Enjoyed it gents.  YHC will be back, this is a cool workout so TClaps to Ultraman.  Appreciate the opportunity to lead today.