Fartlek went hardcore

18 pax (plus Crab Legs walking a very fluffy dog) braved the rain to make a STRONG showing at Fartlek this morning for my first early morning Q. Group warmup run of about .6 miles to hardcore hill was muggy but without rain. After the warm up, it was loops up hardcore hill and down the road next to it (I believe I heard Travolta loop being mentioned). To make it more interesting, the first and last loops up hardcore hill were done backwards! The rain decided to join us shortly after starting the loops and alternated between sprinkling, raining, and pouring. I think it helped. A short run back to Wynfield club house rounded out the route.

The mumble chatter from NightRanger apparently made an appearance because 9 Lives was politely told we were being too loud while running by a man whose wife made him go out and tell us.

Ultraman says running backwards up hills is great for your knees. He seems to know what he’s talking about but it didn’t make it suck less.

Thanks for everyone making it out despite the rain and flooding threats.