Fartsack Vaccinations at The Vanquisher

Event Date

Feb 22, 2016

4 brave souls fought the early Monday morning fartsack and appeared in the gloom for their daily dose of sweat.  Here's how it all went down:


Mosey around parking lot, alternating high knees, reverse run, and butt kickers.

SSH x 30 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

IST x 15 IC

Windmill x 15 IC

Mountain Climbers x 20 IC


Mosey to the big concrete balls (I never get tired of saying that)

Leapfrog over each ball, with a burpee in between each one.  Bearcrawl back to start.

Repeato, crabwalk back to start.

Mosey to planter boxes.

Box jumps x 20 OYO

Derkins x 10 IC

Dips x 10 IC

Step Ups x 10 each leg OYO

Incline Merkins x 10 IC

Dips x 10 IC

Mosey around school to back parking lot

Burpee Suicide Ladder (Line 1 = 1 burpee, Line 2 = 2 burpees, etc.) up to Line 10.

Mosey to wall

Inverted Wall Mountain Climbers x 10 IC (courtesy of Ultraman)

People's Chair x ~60 secs.

Balls to the Wall x ~60 secs. (courtesy of Bandwagon)

People's Chair x ~60 secs. w/ Air Presses x 20 IC

Mosey to front of school

Parking lot Sprints x 4


LBCs x 25 IC

Homer to Marge to Homer

Low Flutter x 20 IC

Up to Marge

Rosalita x 20 IC

Down to Homer

Box Cutters x 10 IC

Elbow Plank x 60 sec.


Jollyroger was on the roles this AM to Q, but the flu takes even the Jolliest of Rogers out of the game.  Feel better brother, we're looking forward to your Q at the Vanquisher soon.

Bandwagon was here today.  One of these days I'll be able to tag him in a backblast.  #TechnologyAverse

The pax showed up to a relieved YHC at 0527 this AM.  I was preparing myself for a sad clown beatdown.  Thank you for saving me from that.

I started huffin and puffin after the first exercise.  That's how I knew this beatdown was going to suck.  A case of the Mondays for sure.

Thanks Ikea for the comic relief with the 10 count after the burpee suicides.  I barely got the word "Ikea" out of my mouth when you jumped all over it, "10 count? No problem, great idea!" lol

Strong work by all of you this morning, thanks again for coming out.  You guys give me the motivation to keep posting, especially on days like this when I could have easily fartsacked.  #Accountability.

See you all in the gloom.  Aye.
