- 1 lap mosey around DPK
- 15x SSH, in cadence
- 15x IST, in cadence
- 15x Toy Soldier, in cadence
- 20x big arm circles forward and backward, OYO
Down the stairs to bottom of DPK parking garage for…
The Thang:
- 15x full curl, in cadence
- 20x one-legged calf raises per side, OYO
- 15x lawn mower per side, in cadence
- 15x squat, in cadence
- 15x overhead press, in cadence
- Run up all 6 ramps and back down [4, 2 on second and third sets])
Repeato all bulleted points above for a total of three sets.
Back outside and into the grass for…
Mobility Moment & Mary:
- Cobra
- Downward Dog
- Proud Pigeon L/R
- 15x heels to heaven, in cadence
- 10x burpee, OYO
- Virgin Q here and I’d say it went swimmingly. There was an appropriate amount of groaning/complaints which I’m told means I’m doing my job. Plenty of encouragement from the PAX.
- Thanks to Blackbeard for pointing out that my camera initially wasn’t rolling during namearama. Oops!
- Was also great to see an FNG out there this morning (soon to be formerly known as "Kevin"). He says he’s been meaning to come out to F3 for a while, is loving it so far, and plans to post daily (or thereabouts).
- Coffeeteria at Lowe’s Foods was a great time as always. Great coffee and great fellowship.
- Apparently, you can get Dr. Pepper flavored cotton candy, but I can't remember where. iykyk
- Number one takeaway for me is to perhaps be a bit more flexible with start/end times – my desire to be punctual seemed to be a source of some dubiety.