Fat Angie makes her return

Event Date

Aug 22, 2020

Fat Angie makes her return…

Since several PAX went to support launch a new AO today with former PAX MetroDog I figured we’d honor MetroDog by completing some of his favorites. One of which is the Fat Angie Sandwich. More about that in a minute, because first we need to get warmed up.

20 IC Seal Jacks
20 IC Tony Hawks
10 IC Slow ‘Mericans

Warmup continued
Mosey to the parking lot line
Dragon Walk up and MB
Lunge Walk up and MB
Bear Crawl up and Crawl Bear back

Okay now the we are warmed up, time for the fun to begin…

Mosey down to the pull up bars where Q gives the following instructions. Remember everything is scalable and if you can’t get through Murph, you sure as hell ain’t going to finish this in time. Also based on the number of PAX we may need to stager or start with a different exercise than what’s listed if the pull-up bars are full. Fat Angie Sandwich is a crossfit bodyweight WOD. The goal is to complete all of the number of exercises before moving on to the next. This is kinda what the Iron Pax Challenge stuff will be like. If you want to record your time, knock yourself out. It goes like this…

Fat Angie Sandwich
25 Burpees (lazy Q, but no lazy PAX. A Burpee isn’t a burpee if you don’t jump)
100 pull-ups (Caution against jumping pull-ups and getting rhabdo. Also you can scale this by doing sets OR doing Australian pull-ups)
100 ‘mericans (pushups)
100 crossfit situps (legs crossed like you sit in kindergarten)
100 Squats (Touch the ground)
25 Burpees

That completes Fat Angie

We are counting the 100 sit-ups as Mary


This is a good series on leadership. This reflection is about what systems do you have and helps to reflect on if you need to change some systems. Check it out, it's a short read.


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