Fat Lying Rodent

Almost a dozen brave men braved the 28 degree weather only to be welcomed by some pain stations and sporadic burpees. We all survived only to be met with the news that Puxhautaney Phil let us down anyway. 


Sidestraddle hops-20

Abe Vigoda-12

Imperial Storm Troopers-12

WW2 Situps-15

Merkins 15

One big lap 

Station 1




Another big lap

Station 2

Block Swings-20 

Incline Block Pushup-15

Shoulder Press- 15

Lawnmowers- 12 each side

Another Lap

Then a series of Mary

Despite the petulance and vengeful nature of the ground hog and his unreliable predictions, I was glad to see the group who showed up enthusiastically. It will be spring before we know it..
