Favorite 5s for 5!

Event Date

May 19, 2020


FNG-1 = Wham-O

6 Pax Braved the Rain for YHC's 5-Year F3 Anniversary Q!  

It was a 'Favorite 5s' workout covering 5 locations and incorporating at least 5 different types of merkins, leg & core exercises all at cadence in multiples of 5..


Warm up on the Green (Location 1) – SSH, IST, Squats (1st Legs type), Merkins (1st Merkin Type), Peter Parker

Mosey to wall behind Summit (Location 2) – Alt Step Up (2nd Legs type), Incline Merkins (2nd Merkin Type), 1-leg squat (3rd Legs Type), Decline Merkins (3rd Merkin Type).  REPEATO!

Mosey to front of Town Hall (Location 3) – 30x LBC (1st Core Type), mosey around back to Fire Station parking lot for 15x CDD (4th Merkin Type) then mosey on Jackson St. back to front of Town Hall.  REPEATO 2x more times (3 total).  Quick set of Man Maker Merkins (5th Merkin Type).

Mosey to covered parking area behind FlatIron (Location 4) – Bear Crawl to end of dry parking area, 10x hand release merkins (6th Merkin Type), crawl bear back to start for 15 WWII sit-ups (2nd Core Type). REPEATO 2x more times (3 total)

Mosey to DUMC (Location 5), grab a paver & circle up.  20x IC Curls, 15x IC Skull Crushers, 15x IC Curls, 10x IC Skull Crushers, 15x IC Bentover Row.  Mosey to dumpsters and stop under Portico on way back for Freddy Mercury (3rd Core Type) & Low Flutter (4th Core Type).  Mosey back to Pavers for 20x IC OH Press, 15x Bentover Row, 15x OH Press.   Mosey over to steps for Calf Raises (4th Legs Type) – 10x IC Toes Straight, Toes In, Toes Out.  Stop under Portico again for Pretzel crunch (5th Core Type). 

Mosey back to Pavers for 10x IC Quick Curls, then put 'em up & Mosey back to Green for Dips, J-LOW and COT. 

Each PAX did a great job staying socially distanced and keeping pace with all the morning's movement.  Note, all the running & moseying counted as the 5th Legs Type. 


5 years ago, and a little over 2 months after we moved to Davidson from Milwaukee, Grillz EH'ed me and then no-showed when I posted for my first workout on May 19th, 2015.  I've tryuly appreciated all that F3 has brought into my life over the past 5 years – the Fitness – educating me about new exercises, new locations & getting me in the best shape of my adult life – the Fellowship – getting to know you guys, sharing in laughter, witty banter, successess & struggles & the closest relationships when men in my community that I've had in my adult life – the Faith – participating in Habitat Builds, contributing to different initiatives & the opportunty to shift my focus from my self & keep it on people and things beyond myself.  By simply showing up, then coming back & getting engaged with the group and now realizing consistency is key has made an imeaasurable difference in my life and I'm greatful for the motivation and inspiration each one of you continually provides!

I encourage everyone to pause and reflect on the impact F3 has made in your life, regarless of how long you've been in F3 – then reach out to someone who doesn't do F3 or hasn't been out to F3 in a while and encourage them to get back out there & into it!
