Fear the Exercise Not the Timer

Event Date

Feb 24, 2021

8 men celebrated above freezing temperatures with a Tabata beat down.  The Thang was 40 seconds on AMRAP, 20 seconds off, 2 alternating exercises, 3 sets for a total of 6 minutes for each stop.



10 Squat Walkers IC

20 Mountain Climbers IC

Arm Circles

10 Grandma Maters

10 Windmills

The Thang

Mosey to the flagpole and grab a binch

Dips & Step Ups

Mosey to the gym entrance

Burpees & Lunges

Mosey to the DU bars

DU's (grip of choice) & squats

Mosey to launch pad

Merkins & Monkey Humpers



15 Jane Fonda's each leg IC

20 LBCs IC

10 Pretzel Crunch each leg IC

10 Freddie Mercs

Reflection – John 8:7 (paraphrased) "Let one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone"

We covered this at Thursday Morning Bible Study and had good discussion around it.  My main take away was who are we to judge anyone unless we live without sin.  No matter how big or small, we must judge ourselves honestly.  This discussion went to different points about this text – Pharisees attempted to entrap Jesus, only the woman was brought to be stoned, the old left first after Jesus spoke.  Lots to unpack.


It was hard to keep up with the timer horn blowing so often, the hope was also to wear out the PAX so it would be limited.  Burpees were out of the way early, however Monkey Humpers for 40 seconds was a real crowd pleaser

Please keep brother Clark in your prayers this week, we hope to see him back out with us soon.