Fear The Jungle

Ok, don't fear the jungle. I just thought it sounded cool. Thankful for all the animals that showed up and put up!

warm up:

A little joggy joggy, hopped right side, then left, butt kickers, high knees….

  • ssh – oldie but ?
  • slow CP
  • ts
  • isp
  • lbc – a couple
  • low flutter – a few
  • slow 1-2-3 down merkins – about 10 ish
  • carolina dry docks
  • then some arm circles because having a simple motion hurt is awesome!
  • then we planked and did awesome yoga stuff I don't have names for, but it was amazin
  • that is all, I think

The thang

Ran a square around the parking lot stopping to do 5 burpees at each corner, 40 burs in all. I was going to do 3 rounds but 4 PAX thought it wise to do a standard before so I thought I would be nice. Still trying to make friends and all. So that part of the workout was awesome

Next we did a ladder, I think it is my first one as Q and i messed up at first because I said 1 and 11. Ramrod pointed that out and I adjusted as a good Q is suppose to. We partnered up so that guys would have a spotter if need for the pull ups 55 in all

  • 10 pull ups
  • bear crawl 15 or so yards
  • 1 squat
  • frog hop back

As you know 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, etc… 
This was another awesome part of the workout and all the guys were super excited and thankful. The part that sucked the most was all the bear crawl and hops. Big guys like little finger took like 3 or 4 hops and were back. As an almost tall person I was jealous, but I think I am still growing. 

Once that fun was over we jogged to the blocks. 

  • curls x 30
  • shoulder press x 20 (pretty sore by this point)
  • merkins on block x 20
  • Hip raises with feet on block (it was ok b/c we were in the back of the church)
  • Bent over row x 30
  • decline merkins x 20
  • more curls x 20
  • block swings x 20

Mary Time

  • box cutter – me
  • homer to marg – me
  • slow JLO – firestone
  • like a low flutter but sideways – ramrod (can't remember the silly name)
  • gosh, there was another but I can't remember. I was kind of a blurr at that point. 


Ok, So this was my first back to back Q I think. Was very honored to get to run the last work with Rocket as MQ. Might Jungle is one that I have come to alot since I started back with F3 and It was well cared for under Rockets watch. I will say that I am a bit nervous with the new MQ. I mean wanting to do a standard mid summer for an hour long sat. workout. Might want to rethink that one Mr. Beardless. LOL – I do like the idea of utilizing water next week though, much wiser. Glad no one got injured (Fire…?, no names). It was a sweat feast, but then it was hot! 

Awesome effort by all the PAX. Great getting to workout with faces I don't always run into Mojito and Dill. 

Just a reminder to keep in your prayers all the special intentions we share at our workouts, not only the ones from the Might Jungle today, but all of the workouts all week long. The individuals and family need and appreciate them!



PS – for those that don't look up good exersices, below is the link to help you come up with good/fresh/fun things to add to your workout. Blackbeard made a good point. If you utilize just one per Q, over time it will make a big diff.
