FEB Basketball Skillz challenge—-Let it Rain!!!!

Event Date

Feb 02, 2021


6 men showed up to engage in a basketball skillz challenge!


10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Mountain Climbers

15 x Plank jacks

10 x Cotton Pickers aka Grandma Maters

10 x Windmills aka Grandpa Morgans

The Thang

Pair up.

3 stations: Frog burpees/Broad jumps and hop backwards/counter is full court passing drill with 10# basketball up and down parking lot 2x.  Each pax pair rotates through. 

Suicides in parking lot with 3 cones set up.

Repeato 2 more times.

3 more stations: Star Jumps/counter is 15 hand release Mericans/basketball skill is to shoot a high arc jump shot with your partner catching the weighted ball. 

Me and Dandelion doing the drill:  Let it Rain | Along Came Polly – YouTube

Suicides in parking lot with 3 cones set up.

Out to LBH for quadrafelia (3x).  At top of LBH: 20 WWI, 20 LBC and last round was up for grabs to whoever got to top first.  Dandelion smoked us all and chose as the Mary exercise: 


Wait for it……………….











You know what it was……………..














30 WWI!!!!!!


Moesy back to AO and all done. 


During Quadrafelia

Reflection: John 15:5

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Easy to see some pruning going on with the “crape murder” all around us.  This verse reminded me we undergo shaping and some cut back in life as God prunes our story and shapes us to produce the most abundant fruit.


-The return of the Vortex, great to have him back in the fold as he is looking to round out his workout regime.  Sorry we ran a lot. 

-Gecko.  Once the basketball drills started he transformed into something between Rudy and the guy from Hoosiers.  I heard some mumbling during suicides about a 1954 Holy Spirit state championship run and if he hadn’t hung on the rim and been accessed a technical they would have won.  Never knew. 

-Country Livin was in Rocky mode with the hoodie up and kicking it in for the suicides. 

-Dandelion was working out his him pointer from “The Fall” but launched the ball into high orbit during our free throw shooting.

-Strudel and I chatted about childhood bike riding after which was a good reminder of the days of old. 


Fair Winds and Following Seas
