26 of Isotope’s finest for the February Horseshoe.

The Thang:

Mosey to the thoroughfare

Calf stretches

SSH X 10

Windmills X 10

Long Snappers X 10

IST X 10

Mosey to the base of the hill

THE HORSESHOE – 100 reps total of the following exercises, 1st 6 back each round did 20 rock curls


Mountain Climbers


Dying Cockroaches


Mosey to fire station

Box Cutters X 10, then reverse X 10 more

Pretzel Crunch X 10, flap jack for other side X 10

Rosalita X 15

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the launch


Naked Man Moleskin:

  1. Excited to have the Fartlek crew converge to our humble AO, some have called it the finest AO in all of Cornelius.
  2. Honored to have the originator of the Horseshoe – Free Pass – with us today. If he does 12 Horseshoes this year he will EARN the most coveted T-shirt in all of F3 Isotope or F3 LKN. 
  3. We do like to think of THE Horseshoe as new and improved
  4. Can’t believe it has been 2 years since I worked out with Swing State. He looks younger somehow. Hate evidently erodes very slowly. 
  5. Speaking of which, can’t tolerate University of Michigan or University of Southern California (the real USC) gear at my workout. I begrudgingly accept the U gear Airstream wears. Don’t think I should have to explain any of that. And Caesar/Cally don’t want anyone wearing DOOK gear. 
  6. Please keep Riverboat and his family in your prayers as he lost his Father this past weekend.
  7. Also, please keep Crab Legs and his family in your prayers as he lost his wife this morning.

It was an honor and privilege, as always, to lead this group of men today!



