February Horseshoe

10 men, undaunted by the looming hills they would run up both ways, emerged from the gloom to get after it. The Q hit the ground running and slowed down from there.


Jog to the Fire Station

Cotton Pickers X 15

IST X 15

Windmills X 15

THE HORSESHOE – you know the drill, 20 reps of each opf the following at each end in the usual up and down the pyramid fashion.


Mountain Climbers




Upon completion, mosey to the rock pile

Curls X 10 IC

Shoulder Press X 10 IC

Skull Crushers X 10 IC

Mosey back to the HT parking lot

Rosalita X 20

Dying Cockroach X 15

Touch 'Dem Heels X 15



1) It has happened to all of us. The sudden realization you have to go to the bathroom, the deuce is screaming to be dropped. Look, what a convenient location for a HT restroom. And ypo can even enjoying the wafting aroma of bacon while you do your business. If this isn't the greatest AO in all of Cornelius, I don't know what is. (Names have been withtheld to protect those with soiled underpants)

2) Omega went out fast and kept extending his lead. His reward? A burpee free workout (You are welcome America) and the Q next week.

3) Axel could also be called Timex – no matter the wotkout, he takes his licking and just keeps on ticking

4) Wipeout got extra credit on the whole downward side of the pyramid as he kept doing all the exercises, than ran and caught up to everyone anyway.

5) Guys in dark blue/black were rather stealthy today I must say.

6) Missed Wafflehouse this AM, thanks to Beetlejuice for bringing a little Kanawha Warrior to the workout.

7) As always, honor and privilege to lead this fine group of men this AM.

