Feelin The Burn

The rain stopped and the Grand Oak planters were put to good use.  We took portions of the vern and turned it into what can now be known as the burn. 

But before that the warm up: 

Mosey, high knees, butt kickers, carioca & circle up.  Side Staddle Hops, Imperial Storm Troopers, Toy Soldier, Windmill, Arm Cirlces.

To The Thang-the Burn:

5-8 Count Body Builders


10-Box Jumps


15-Decline Merkins


20-WWII Sit ups




The goal was to do 4-5 cycles.  If you can fly like an Egyptian or a Gypsy you probably got 4 done.  The rest of us were somewhere in the 4th cycle when we stopped for 2 minutes of Mary-low flutter and crunchy frogs.  Mumble Chatter was minimumal, I hope as a result of some max effort.  Egyptian, Gypsy, Miyagi, and Omar slayed it today! Thanks to SwingState for letting me take the reigns for the day!