Fell out

5 took on the RR10k, 3 took on the RUCK Standard, 1 took on the Run Standard and met back up with the ruckers.  The morning was brisk, but the pace at 0530 was not.  The PAX must have dragged thereselves out of bed.  Wake-up call required…  

Mosey around back end of soccer fields.  Bring Wilson.  Stop at the caution tape. Circle up. No room.  Line up on the sidewalk. (mumble chatter erupts sporadically).  

"It pays to be first.  Those who put out will be rewarded.  You guys have already F&#@ that up."  

Mose back to the start. (had the PAX been a lively bunch there would have been no 1 mile warm up 🙂

Disclaimer & Warm-O-Rama

  • 25 SSH IC 
  • 20 IST IC
  • 15 CP IC
  • 10 WM IC
  • 1 minute girl fights


  • 5 Burpees
  • Run to 1st island 50M
  • 10 Muricans IC
  • Run back 50M
  • 5 Burpees
  • Run to 2nd Island (It's MY Island – Q-Bert) 100M
  • 15 Slow-Squats IC
  • Run back 100M
  • REPEATO adding 1 Burpee for 5 rounds


  • Big Baby Crunch (Jedi Style)
  • WWII Sit-ups
  • Low Flutter
  • Box Cutters
  • 1 Crisp Clean Burpee

The PAX totally made up for the slow start by kicking this one in the teeth.  Well done to all.

  • QBert – good to get to know you a bit.  We keep missing each other.  Let's change that.  And she is totally a dude.
  • Jenny – Thanks for remembering our boy in COT.  God loves him.
  • Red October – There is so much to say.  Wait.  Nevermind.  You said it.
  • 66 – Hardcharger, bro.  Always putting out.
  • Mona Lisa – Good to meet you.  Nice push at the finish.  You had decided on going to 10 and left us in the dust.
  • Elmers – Sorry about the burpees… again. (not sorry – they are good for us – never listent to Outlaw)
  • Lawn Dart and Limburger – You too should arm wrestle over who has their Qs filled through January.
  • Major Tom – your ability to suffer in silence is remarkable (<— compliment coming from me :))
  • Bob Ross – Strong work, bro.  Good to see you again.

Thanks to Lawndart for the opportunity to lead a group of such awesome men.  Thanks to JollyRoger for leaving you at the alter so I had the chance. 😉


  • Prayers for Schneiders Family
  • Prayers for Pierogi

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for every spiritual blessing in the Heavenlies in Christ Jesus. We claim the riches of Christ Jesus over our lives today and bring the blood of Jesus once more over our spirts, souls, and bodies – our hearts our minds and our will. We put on the full Armor of God.  The belt of truth, the breast plate of righteousness, the shoes of the readiness of the Gospel of Peace and the helmet of salvation.  We raise the sheild of the faith and the sword of The Spirit and we chose to pray at all times in the Spirit.  In Jesus Mighty Name We Pray! – Amen