Fence Jumping Good Time at The Estate !

The Dragon added to pax list not on website.

11 Men of F3 got after it at The Estate on this gorgeous morning in Lake Norman.  Launch time temp about 50 and when the NC sun popped, she was blazing.  Here's how we hit it !

Mosey around parking lot, quick cut thru back to bottom of lot.


Windmill x 10 IC, IST x 10 IC, Merican x 10 IC, Slow Squat x 10 IC, Toy Soldier x 10 IC


3 islands to be used on left side of lot

OYO – each pax run to island for 10 Mericans each stop for total 30

OYO – each pax run to island for 10 Peter Parkers each stop for total 30

OYO – each pax run to island for 10 Jump Squats each stop for total 30

Grab rock buddy and mosey to the track.


Curls x 10 IC, Shoulder Press x 10 IC, Skull Crusher x 10 IC


Lunge Walk with Air Press on the corner (way longer than expected)

Regular run the straight away

Lunge Walk with Air Press on corner

Regular run the straight away

Curls x 10 IC, Shoulder Press x 10 IC, Skull Crusher x 10 IC

Mosey with rock buddy over to the baseball fence


Pax line up along the fence

Rock Explosions – deep squat with rock then explode tossing rock over the fence, jump over fence & repeat for 10 x (rough)  Sun's cooking now !

Goblet Squat x 10 IC

Shoulder Touch Merican x 10 IC

Mosey back to track.


Regular Run on straight away to corner

Quadrephelia at corner, when in line with gold post stop for 10 Burpees OYO, Quadrephelia back to straight

Regular Run on straight away to corner

Quadrephelia at corner, when in line with gold post stop for 10 Burpees OYO, Quadrephelia back to straight

Mosey back toward parking lot, but stop at edge of track for last set of upper body rock smokes.

Curls x 10 IC, Shoulder Press x 10 IC, Skull Crusher x 10 IC

Rocks back.

Circle up on sidewalk for MARY.

MARY: (pass the buck)

YHC – Rosalita x 15 IC

Snake Eyes – Bulldog Merican x 10 IC

Mona Lisa – Box Cutter x 15 IC

The Dragon – J Lo x 10 IC

Elmers – WWII x 20 SC

Vandalay – Pretzel Crunch x 15 IC

Freedom – The Hillbilly x 15 IC

YHC – SSH x 25 IC – can't believe forgot them during warmorama.  Surprised no complaints !

Time – DONE

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Turnpike for allowing me to Q at The Estate !  Such a great and broad AO which can take in many directions.  Turnpike will be Qing at the Viking in May which is Awesome !

2 – Tons of mumblechatter with Tantrum, Freedom, & Elmers mostly I believe.  Discussion topics included 9 Lives and Mexican food (even though he was not there), one pax not washing their beatdown sweatshirt for many days or weeks possibly, and how it goes from 48 temp to feeling like 80 once the NC sun comes out.  Hilarious to listen to !

3 – Really think pax likes the Rock Explosions over the fence then jump over to retrieve them.  Fence plastic cover was little dewey so had some additional challenges with slickness.

4 – Turns out YHC not much of a freestyle Q, but do much better with at least an outline weinke.

Great Gloom at The Estate this Saturday !

Aye !

Mayhem (in the AM)