Fes-Q Part Deux

Event Date

Mar 06, 2018


7 strong came out and put in some work today!



Mosey down to the lower pavilion, rain started picking up.  Did some high knee and butt kickers on the way.




15 X Toy Soldiers IC

15 X Windmill IC
15 X Cotton Pickers IC


The Thang

Partner up for DORA:

100 CDD

200 (make that 150!) Mericans

300 squats

Partner A does exercise while partner B did a quick out and back



Keep with your partner.  Partner A bear crawls parking lot while partner B laps the lot until he catches Partner A.  Flap jack until the team makes it around the lot.


Back to the pavilion…

People’s Chair with 15 X Air Press IC

20 X Dips IC

10 X Incline Mericans IC

15 Steps Ups Each Leg OYO

10 X Decline Mericans IC


To the rocks…and don’t put it down!

10 X Full Curl IC

10 X Bent Over Row IC

10 X Skull Crusher IC

15 X Squat Press IC (just to throw everyone off a little bit!)

Run back to the cars…



20 X LBC’s IC

10 X Pretzel Crunch Each Side IC

15 X Rosalita from Mayhem

10 X WWII’s from Stapler


Recover, Recover



– I went back to the DORA exercise I did for my first Q at the Mighty Oak, thinking if I replaced the 200 Hand Release Mericans with regular Mericans I wouldn’t have to audible this time.  That would be negative!  Thankfully no “Boots” this go around (Monkey Humpers)

– Bear crawls…how can I be moving so slow yet breathing so hard?

– Really impressed by the strong work by everyone today, I had to push just to keep up.

– Thanks to Stromboli for letting me take the lead and for being the MQ at the Viking for 2 years…2 years!  He is looking for an MQ replacement; if you’re interested please reach out to him.

