Festibowl of Fun

Event Date

Oct 26, 2017


7 men plus a rucksack posted to perfect Fall workout weather in beautiful SVU.  Nothing too creative, just simple morning fun.  


20 SSH

20 Merkins


The Plan:  Festi-bowl of Fun  

We’re going to “run the bowl” and do fun stuff at both tops.

“The bowl” = top of LBH to top of Big Hill

25 Burpees at each top between runs to 100 count

25 Squats at each top between runs to 100 count

    Quadrafillia on all hills

    After 100 Squats, top off with Monkey Humpers


The Finish: Ashe Hollow Push/Pull drills

Partner up – size matters

  1. Pull partner down Ashe Hollow – Switch & Repeat

  2. Push partner down Ashe Hollow – Switch & Repeat



20 (IC) Stranded Turtles


Reflection: “Refuse to Snooze”

Don’t hit the snooze button in the mornings.  When setting your alarm at night, you’re making a commitment to yourself to wake up at a specific time.  When you hit the snooze button, you break that commitment.  Your first action of the day is a failure to honor your commitment.  

    Make your first action of the day to live up to your own self image you had the night before.


Mole Skin:

  • T-claps to Retread who rucks into a 100 burpee routine, and stays!

  • Weather was absolutely perfect

  • SVU 5k has me thinking more about running, could SVU Thurs turn into another running club? Nope, will be back to blocks soon, real soon!

  • Hefty post in a tank, guns blazing

  • Clark kills the workout and has time between sets for Yoga

  • Fun time this morning, thanks for the opportunity to lead


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb