Field of Dreams

Event Date

Jun 14, 2018


Image result for field of dreams

Warm Up

 -Various execises (55 SSH)


The Thang

-Mosey to the top of the big hill

-Various exercises across the field and back (Broad jump, Bear crawl, Wheel barrow, Crab walk, Karaoke, High knees, Butt kickers, Dragon walk, Partner carry etc.)

-20 WW1s in between the trips across the field. 



-FNG was named Strudel due to him being from apple country (Hendersonville area). He posted twice this week. Stop by SVU sometime soon and get to meet him if you have not yet. Lets make him feel welcome. 

-Your Q got confused when he saw lightbulb entering the AO. Was wondering if it was really my day to Q or his. Glad you made it out. 

-It has been too long since we did sally. Need to get it back in the rotation.

-Since the PAX complains about Dandy's 50 SSH I made then do 55. 

-Most of the PAX seemed uneasy about doing WW1s in the grass and opted for the sidewalk. What gives? Scared you may get dirty? Was it too icky? 

-Metro really likes bear crawls…..