Fields of Dreams

Grabbed a good ole day before Q as the estate was open.

I was hoping for the soccer fields but those moms in their fans beat us to it.

As Toby says however, we still ”got it in today”

Here’s how it went ..

200m run…15 sec arm circles…forwards/backwards/……15 high knees…15 carrot pullers. 

200m run…grab a block and to the field…

Circle up on our knees to engage the core…3 rounds of the below…

10x curls…10x block merican…. 10x mountain climber…10x shoulder press…threw in a skull crusher for The Force per his request …

100 yard run …..

50 yard lunge walk with 10x mountain climbers in between

10 squats + 10 high knees …for 5 rounds

100 squats + 3 burpee penalty 

20x ww2’s

50 push ups plus 5 jump squats penalty 

10 yard bear crawl + 10 mericans….then return 10 yards…

20 x freddie mercuries + 5 ww2’s

2 x 100 yard runs with 50 yard mosey and 50 yard sprint

5 broad jump burpees with reverse high knees to center..

100 yard runs with 50 yard mosey and 50 yard sprint

2x 50 yard runs….

15x shoulder touch mericans 

Blocks back…recover recover

COT – We lift up our brother Toby and his fam + victims of the earthquake ….

Re-Cap…apologies to the pax as we got wet with tons of grass filled…soccer fields were occupied unfortunately…everyone stuck with it and got it in…always love the estate as the mumble chatter is what we all need at the end of the week. Thanks for letting me lead gents….

Happy NFL weekend!

