Here are your figures.  Five ran instead of bootcamping-Usain, Deadpool, Cheezewiz, Contra, and Discraft.  Two pre-rucked the event- Goodell and YHC.  Nineteen bootcampers had to start 1 minute late due to the ruck going long.  Ladybug is to be thanked, as after last week's public 'calling out' of YHC's absence via the #BB title, EVERY post has been attended to, including The Armor and tow (2) prerucks (this is from a non-rucker). Anywho, fear not….your Q delivered a measured, deliberate, and calculated Post….mostly.

Warm-ups: (IC) CP's 10, IST's 10, Heal Slappers 10, Merkins 10, SDS's 15, Lap aroud the buildingS

The Thang: OYO's-EACH set is 15 single count. KB swings (KBS), Skull Crushers, KBS, Mil Press, KBS, Curls, KBS, R/L Lawnmower Pulls, KBS, Squats, KBS, R/L Calf Raises, KBS. Zamperini the bell to the fountain.  Fifteen EACH of Step up/presses, KB Drag Merkins, Dips (IC), Ribbons, R/L Lawn Mower Pulls, KB Presses/Pullovers (IC). Rotate your bell around you as you walk to the spa parking lot, Pardner up.  One partner Farmer Carries BOTH KB as the other does 1. Turkish Get-Ups, 2 rounds.  Same with Mountain Climbers and Squats, 2 rounds each.  Fifteen KB swings, walk back to AO, rotating your bell around you…..'round the world-ish'.  

Mary:  15 KB swings, 10 Brazilian Blow Outs, 15 LBC's, and 12 WWII's. Recover recover.


-FNG-1 is The Pope.  Great to see him out there.

-Banana Peel and Pink Slip called and counted the last two Mary exercises.

-A SOLID 24 is impressive on ANY Tuesday!

-BOTH the excessive KB swings and the Turkish Get-Ups were inspired by Pavlow ________, ask Goodell, he knows.

-T-claps to Soul Glo, who volunteered to pick up an extra cup of coffee or two, and ended up paying for about a dozen….'Above and Beyond';-)

-Pink Slips quips are quite humorous, listen to him!

-Thanks Ladybug, for the keys to your fine AO.

-Y'all are 'Freed to Lead'…..check it out!